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我的大女儿诺艾尔现在就能很流利说了一口英语。My eldest daughter Noelle is fluent in English now.

诺勒并没有对我的幽默发笑,但我自己笑了。Noelle didn't laugh at my humor, but I chuckled to myself.

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布朗诺勒拒绝发表评论,只是说美国官员密切此案。Noelle Brown declined to comment, saying only that U. S. officials close the case.

学生们表示,用诺艾尔练习接生比坐在教室�抄笔记要更加实用。Students say using Noelle is more useful than sitting in a classroom and taking notes.

当诺尔·梁知道自已有了身孕时,她打电话通知的第一个人是自己的医生。When Noelle Leung learned she was pregnant, the first person she called was her doctor.

人们喝呀喝呀,诺勒继续问我是否对一切都满意。People drank and drank, and Noelle continued to ask me if I was pleased with everything.

克洛伊,贾斯丁,瑞恩,玛雅,赛斯和诺埃尔,这是给你们的。抱歉有点长!This is for you, Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle. I apologize for the length.

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Noelle在网站上描述自己是“一个非常可爱和清纯的女生,但是有时有点坏坏的。”Noelle describes herself on the website as 'a very sweet and innocent girl, but with a bit of a naughty mind'.

这名化名Noelle的21岁女孩是在三月份通过阿姆斯特丹的Yantra网站将自己的初夜拍卖的。The 21-year-old named only as Noelle put her body up for sale on the Amsterdam-based Yantra escort girl site in March.

而且他会得到一张医生的证明来表明Noelle的的确确是处女,但是Noelle要求破处过程必须带套。He will get a doctor's certificate proving Noelle is a virgin and she is insisting sex will only be performed with a condom.