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尽管处于危机之中,董事长的声音还象通常一样温文尔雅。Despite the crisis the chairman's voice was urbane as usual.

年轻人应该在举止及言谈上学习彬彬有礼。Young people should learn to be urbane in department and speech.

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有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而撤到农村去住。Some people were tired of urbane life and moved to the countryside.

其他城市头的中国学生一样,我在他身上也看到了那种与世隔绝的感觉。I recognized that kind of remove among other urbane Chinese students.

地铁是北京向一个更为现代的大都市转型的一部分。The subway is part of Beijing's transformation to a more urbane metropolis.

当发生飓风的时候,那个文质彬彬的丹麦人坐在藤椅上用藤条责打他的儿子。The urbane Dane sat on a cane chair and caned his son when the hurricane came.

他对于不听从训导的人总是和颜悦色、彬彬有礼。You find him quite bland and urbane toward the people who would not listen to him.

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温文的言语是受过教育的言辞,和无知者的言论有所区别。Urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.

无论如何,朗伯,史瑞得到巴黎后完全被那里彬彬有礼的文化震撼了。In any case, Lambert Strether, as he arrives in Paris, has awakened to the sheer wonder of urbane culture.

就像缠足的妇女,这些城市的装饰品不事生产,它们能存活全赖于人类恒久的看护。Like tiny-footed women, these urbane ornaments produced little and survived only with constant human upkeep.

温文尔雅的风扇静静转动着风情,很绅士的把微热的热情揉合成微醺。Turning the fan quietly urbane style, it is a gentleman of the blend into a fever of enthusiasm for Wei Xun.

我见过太多这样的中国学生了,他们生活在一个信息和技术大爆炸的时代,但是国家却又设置障碍以防他们接触那些所谓“他们不该知道的”东西。“But the truth is I don’t really know.” I recognized that kind of remove among other urbane Chinese students.

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素以“大嘴”闻名的麻生是另一个首相的外孙,而且领导着一个小派阀。Urbane if with an earthy humour, Mr Aso is another prime minister 's grandson and leads a small party faction.

他过去因其彬彬有礼和责任感强的形象而广受欢迎,曾作为射击选手参加过1976年蒙特利尔奥运会,也十分喜欢漫画。Mr Aso, a former Olympic shot and a fan of manga comics, has an urbane assurance that once had widespread appeal.

这对年轻设计师二人组设计的风格简朴的服装也成为各年龄段品位不俗的都市女性的挚爱。The youthful duo's austere clothes have also become the ne plus ultra for tasteful, urbane women of all vintages.

玛莉出色的名牌服饰以及她机智、优雅的谈吐,使她成为上流社会派对受欢迎的宾客。Mary's stunning designer dresses and witty, urbane conversation made her a popular guest at all the high-society parties.

由于受到苏维埃政府的语言政策,俄罗斯语通常被有涵养的人作为第二语言。As a result of the language policy of the Soviet Union, Russian is also commonly spoken as a second language among the urbane.

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可以说我们的客人才华横溢、风趣昂然、文雅大方、智力超群——但如果发誓的话就不一样了。You could say that our guest is talented, witty, urbane and intellectually gifted. You could say that --- but not if you're under oath.

扬寒冬这个彬彬有礼和蔼可亲雄心勃勃的小伙子爱上了美丽聪明并且又是他老板情妇的同事毛毛。The Young, urbane Han Dong, sociable and ambitious, falls in love with his co-worker, the beautiful and sensitive Mo Mo, then the lover of their boss.

这里的一部分厨师希望以食材和技巧的传统核心为基础,针对讲究的中产阶级的口味改造川菜。A camp of chefs here hopes to remake Sichuanese cooking for urbane middle-class tastes, building on the core of traditional ingredients and techniques.