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他的嗜好是栽培植物。These flowers are in cultivation.

这个地区种植香蕉。The area is under banana cultivation.

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但是栽培海藻就不同了。But cultivation is a different matter.

沙田养殖龙虾行不行?。Does sand flat cultivation lobster go?

对待流言不怒是我们的大勇和修养。No angry to gossip is our cultivation.

他对蔬菜栽培感兴趣。He is interested in vegetable cultivation.

适宜在春秋露地及保护地栽培。In autumn production and site cultivation.

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教育,是培养羊在怀孕和哺乳母羊的阶段。Education that is the cultivation of sheep.

加强森林资源培育。To enhance cultivation of forest resources.

他的嗜好是栽培植物。He knows little about vegetable cultivation.

这里运用的是反季节的栽培技术。But with the off-season cultivation technique.

有德无才的培养实用。Only the cultivation of virtuous non-functional.

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茎干被用为栽培附生兰类的基质。Trunks are used as medium for orchid cultivation.

每个人修行不就是为了成佛?Spiritual cultivation is for attaining Buddhahood.

看来你们一定有很大的开垦农地了?You must have a very large area under cultivation?

李刚是金阳县青花椒种植大户。King County Gang green pepper cultivation is large.

草垄栽培是一项引进的新技术。The grass ridge cultivation is a new alien technology.

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他有高尚的医德医风和很高的道德修养。He has high-spirited medical ethics and moral cultivation.

历史上栽培的都是白菜型和芥菜型油菜。History of cultivation are campestris and Brassica juncea.

内廷中最著名的是养心殿。Inner Court is the most famous Hall of Mental Cultivation.