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这线容易缠结。The threads tangle easily.

灌木丛自编绿色的枝环。Green tangle of the brushes.

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你上饵的钩子不再能把我缠绞。Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more.

这事还和泰戈有关?Does this have anything to do with Tangle?

这起法律纠葛从来没有真正解决。The legal tangle was never really unravelled.

但我对半真半假纠纷是所有化为乌有。But my tangle of half-truths was all for naught.

他们的想法是没有条理一团乱麻。Their thoughts are a tangle of unexamined impulses.

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人们希望这些能够将病毒微粒缠在一起。It was hoped these would tangle the virus particles up.

他果断地钻进了缠手绊脚的荆棘丛。He flung himself resolutely into the tangle of undergrowth.

过了奈何桥,我们就该忘掉前世的纠葛了。Crossed how the bridge, we should forget the past the tangle.

我们都是凡尘男女,挣不出纠缠的情网。Fan Chen, we are men and women, can not earn a tangle of love.

方法对32例资料完整的医疗纠纷尸检病例进行分析。Methods The intact data of 32 cases of medical tangle was analyzed.

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我们工作中使用的复印纸表面为杂乱的纤维The paper that we use in copying work has a rough tangle of fibers.

拉尔夫把垂在前额上的一绺金发往后一捋。Ralph pushed back the tangle of fair hair that hung on his forehead.

在枝节缠绕的月桂树丛的对面,传来了他尖促的声音。His squeaky voice came from beyond the tangle of saplings and laurel.

漂泊与宿命在王安忆的文本世界和心灵世界中扭结纠缠在一起。Roaming and fatalism tangle up in Wang Anyi's world of text and mind.

一个鲜橙色的大轮盘,在一大团绳索上空旋转。A bright-orange roulette wheel spinning above a tangle of shroud lines.

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可以说,先锋历史小说的创作仍然没有摆脱“真实”的缠绕。We can say The New Historicist Novels are still in a tangle of "truth".

我们大多数人象孩子一样被鼓励,不要去理清你对美的想法。Most of us are encouraged, as children, to leave this tangle unexamined.

防打结拉链保持你的耳机线成一直线,并让你心情舒畅。Tangle resistant zipper keeps your cables in line and your mind at ease.