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这是一种三环搞抑郁药物。This is a tricyclic antidepressant drug.

所以他开始尝试抗抑郁药。So did the antidepressant pills he tried.

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阿米替林通常是作为抗抑郁药物使用。Elavil is commonly used as an antidepressant.

抗抑郁剂理论只是一个理论。The antidepressant theory is just that — a theory.

帕罗西丁是2002年最畅销的抗抑郁剂。Paxil was the world's bestselling antidepressant in 2002.

在之前的30年里我服用低剂量的抗抑郁药。For the last 30 years I’ve been on a low-dose antidepressant.

目的合成抗抑郁药草酸艾司西酞普兰。OBJECTIVE To synthesize antidepressant drug of escitalopram oxalate.

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没有观察到各收入阶层在抗抑郁药使用上的变化。There was no variation observed in antidepressant use by income group.

并且我真的不确定咖啡有抗抑郁作用。And I’m DEFINITELY not convinced that coffee has antidepressant effects.

表明鱼腥草黄酮有明显的抗抑郁活性。Flavonoids in Cordate houttuynia exerted obvious antidepressant activity.

此外,加兰他敏也可提高ECT的抗抑郁疗效。In addition, galantamine may also enhance the antidepressant action of ECT.

这就是抗抑郁药和安定药的副作用。This is the side effection of antidepressant drugs and antipsychotic drugs.

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入选研究时,患者自我报告抗抑郁药物和抗焦虑药物的使用情况。Antidepressant and anxiolytic medication use at studyentry was self-reported.

公司也开发了监测抗抑郁治疗效果的检测手段。The company is also developing a blood test to monitor antidepressant therapy.

没有比与神沟通、与神建立友谊更棒的康抑郁药了。There is no greater antidepressant than communication and fellowship with God.

通过兽医治疗和服用抗抑郁药,“奇科”终于重新找回了快乐。After seeing a vet and taking antidepressant drugs, Chico is a lovely bird again.

患者使用抗抑郁药物、西酞普兰至少六周。The patients were treated with the antidepressant citalopram for at least six weeks.

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医生一般在原有的药物上加一种新药,或者干脆换药。The doctor can add a new antidepressant to the first one, or switch drugs completely.

在抑制潮热方面,针灸的效果和抗抑郁药文拉法辛一样好。The acupuncture worked just as well as the antidepressant Effexor to curb hot flashes.

异烟酰异丙肼一种化合物,c9h13n3o,用作治疗。A compound, C9H13N3O, used as an antidepressant and formerly used to treat tuberculosis.