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你打过霍乱预防针吗?。Have you have your cholera jab yet?

马丁打出一个刺拳和一个组合拳。Martin uses a jab and a combination.

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拳击手玩命地训练刺拳。A boxer works his left jab into the GROUND.

五名瑞典人在猪流感疫苗刺戳后死亡。Five deaths in Sweden after swine flu jab tip of the iceberg.

它能用于猛烈的连打的脚法或者有效的击倒性打击。It can be used either as a jab or an effective knockout strike.

孩子们大声叫喊着,齐刷刷地把拳头挥向想象中的敌人。Yelling, the children jab their fists in unison at imagined enemies.

错过注射的机会也多并且不能得到充分保护。There's also more chance of missing a jab and not getting full protection.

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这种疫苗针剂能防范三种病毒,包括猪流感和B型流感。The jab protects against three strains, including swine flu and influenza B.

所以很多东西,你似乎是一个消费文化在当代的讽刺山。So much of what you do appears to be a satiric jab at contemporary consumer culture.

卫生署一直否认那刺戳是罗伯特残疾的原因。The Department of Health had always denied that the jab was the cause of Robert's disability.

我还记得泰森对赫尔墨斯那场,那是我看过的最猛的一击左勾拳——直接打在人家右脸上!I'm going for Tyson v Larry Holmes. Left jab set up the hardest straight right I've ever seen.

克里琴科努力控制比赛,用他的大范围刺拳并且成功的打击着索利斯的贴近。Klitschko tried to control the action with his rangy jab and had success hitting Solis coming in.

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一次适时的疫苗注射能够使幼儿获得终身免疫,而慢性疾病可能需要终身药物治疗。The right jab can protect a child for life, but chronic diseases may require lifelong medication.

他转过身来,然后聘请他的签名山一步-左,对中东驾驶和获得犯规。He turned, and then employed his signature jab step – left, driving towards the middle and getting fouled.

跑步时我的双肘摆得太开了,我之所以认识到这点,是因为我经常碰到紧挨着我的跑友。I stick my elbows out too much when I run. I know this because I often accidentally jab runners next to me.

对付闪电强化的怪,使用标枪比近身使用戳刺更有效。For Lightning Enchanted Monsters, it's best to throw Javelins at them rather than using your melee Jab attack.

在一点上,李若谷,中国进出口银行的行长。在抨击美国在伊拉克的干涉主义。At one point Li Ruogu, Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of China, took a jab at U. S. interventionism in Iraq.

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实验表明,一种男性避孕针可能会比避孕药和避孕套更加有效的防治怀孕。A male contraceptive jab could be as effective at preventing pregnancies as the female pill or condoms, work shows.

判决是同类的第一次被显示,自人们对三重刺戳的安全的担心提升。The judgment is the first of its kind to be revealed since concerns were raised about the safety of the triple jab.

同时,AED引进了玉米种植机械,操作过程时间短,效率高。Also AED has introduced Jab seeder for Maize planting which proved to be time saving and efficient during operation.