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谁正在和我们的教官说话?Who was talking with our drillmaster?

教官正在教士兵们使用刺刀。The drillmaster is drilling privates how to use bayonet.

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新来的教官很快赢得了士兵的尊敬。The new drillmaster has gained the soldier's respect quickly.

访问过后,我们觉得我们更加的了解主教了。After the meeting, we think we are much closer to Major Drillmaster.

教官们大大方方露一手,雷鸣般的掌声又再次回荡在训练场上。With that, the drillmaster showed off his skill and won a loud applause.

在这里,我要感谢教官和老师,让我学会了坚强。In here, I need to thank the drillmaster and the teacher , have let me learn firm.

如果这样的话,你可以告诉你的教官你不想参加军拳表演。If so, maybe you could tell your drillmaster that you wouldn't like to do the soldiery boxing.

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上午军训课快要结束的时候,教官问儿子叫什么名字。When the military would be over in the morning, the drillmaster asked my son what his name was.

教官为我们加油打气,叫我们不要灰心,要继续全力以赴、不要泄气。Then the drillmaster told us to keep our chin up, do the best we can, and don"t get discouraged."

虽然每一堂课都有不同的教官但是他们每一个人都竭尽全力的把知识传授给我们。Each class has the different drillmaster but each of them is try the best to gives the knowledge for us.

如果你觉得我可以的话,那么我就申请加入,眼睛中泪水开始打转,那个教官给了我一包纸巾,他们接受了我,是的!Tears spin in my eyes when I said these words, the drillmaster give me a package of paper goods, they accepted me !

教练控制技术和智能评估技术是研制电子战装备仿真训练系统的关键技术。Drillmaster control and intelligent evaluation are key technologies in the area of EW equipments training simulation system.

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而多角色教官队伍组织模式能较好地解决这些问题。Here, a new mode named organizing pattern of multi-roled drillmaster team will be brought forward to resolve these problems.

儿子以为是自己某些动作没有做好,教官要批评他,便小声地回答了教官的问题。My son thought he maybe didn't well doing some exercises and the drillmaster would criticize him, so he answered in a weak voice.

我全神贯注练习军拳,出了很多汗的时候,我的教官有时候都帮我擦呢。When I was absorbedly practising Military Boxing and was sweating a lot, my drillmaster helped me to wipe off my sweat sometimes.

当然了。我全神贯注练习军拳,出了很多汗的时候,我的教官有时候都帮我擦呢。Yes, I did. When I was absorbedly practising Military Boxing and was sweating a lot, my drillmaster helped me to wipe off my sweat sometimes.