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排尿或咳嗽也可诱发疼痛。Micturition or cough also can cause ache.

未成功者采用开塞露纳肛方法及行留置导尿术。To adopt suggestion way in her mind to induce micturition.

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精神神经性尿频应注意什么?What should frequent micturition of mental nerve sex notice?

不排尿或其他因素的刺激不能诱发惊厥发作。His seizures could not be induced by free of micturition or other stimulative factors.

目的探讨提前护理干预对产后排尿性晕厥的效果。Primary efficacy endpoints was the incidences of micturition syncope after parturition.

速尿应小心使用,在病人与前列腺增生症或减值的排尿。Furosemide should be used with care in patients with prostatic hypertrophy or impairment of micturition.

此结果提示,PAG可能对大鼠脑桥排尿反射活动具有兴奋性调节作用。The results suggest that the PAG may exert an excitatory influence on pontine micturition reflex of the rat.

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当病患抱怨解尿后腹股沟肿块消退,就必须在术前考虑此诊断。Preoperative diagnosis should be considered when patients complain of inguinal mass reduction after micturition.

结论建立新的人工反射弧能恢复SCI患者排尿功能,实现自控性排尿。Conclusions Establishing of an new artificial reflex arc may effective for controlled micturition in conical SCI.

结论根据病人排尿过程中突然发生短暂昏厥诊断排尿性昏厥。Conclusion According to sudden temporary syocope during miction, patients, can be diagnosed as micturition syocope.

另外梨有利尿作用,夜尿频者,睡前要少吃梨。Additionally pear has diuresis effect, nocturnal frequent micturition person, before sleeping, want to eat pear less.

膀胱功能异常可造成多种下尿路储尿和排尿功能异常。Cystic malfunction can result in various abnormal functions of urine storage and micturition in the lower urinary tract.

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在灌肠前嘱病人排尿排便,以降低腹压及清洁肠道。In defecate of micturition of patient of the enjoin before enema, in order to drop celiac pressing and clean bowel line.

早上尿频,厌食,只想吃辣东西,想吐,而且经常肚子痛是什么原因。In the morning frequent micturition , anorexia, want to have hot thing only, keck, and often upset stomach is what reason.

自制膀胱控制器结合骶部去传入能很好的重建圆锥上脊髓损伤犬膀胱的贮尿和排尿功能。Self-made bladder controller together with a sacral deafferentation procedure can restore micturition function of paraplegic dogs.

慢性膀胱炎也可有尿频,尿痛,脓尿症状,但以尿频比较常见。Chronic cystitis also can have frequent micturition , make water is painful, pyuria symptom, but compare with frequent micturition common.

排尿次数增多,远远超过平常的白天3-4次,晚上1-2次,时间间隔短且频频有尿意。Micturition number increase, far more than the usual day 3-4 times, evening 1-2 times, short time between meaning and proteinuria frequently.

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不少老年人排尿费力,排尿时间延长,有夜尿,这是早期肥大表现。ManySenilePerson micturition is arduous, micturition time is lengthened, have nocturnal make water, this is inchoate and corpulent expression.

目的探讨膀胱癌患者行全膀胱切除术后正位膀胱重建术,解决贮尿和排尿问题。Objective We performed total cystectomy for bladder cancer and orthotopic ileal neobladder in order to solve the urine reservoir and micturition.

排尿无力,射程短,有时要好一会儿才能能尿出来,更有甚者是以滴的形式尿出来的。Micturition weakness, range short, sometimes for a moment to come out better can urine, have more very person is the form of the urinary out drop.