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使用定速控制和超速档。Use cruise control and overdrive gear.

不过这次,这台销售机器却是运转得过猛了。This time, though, the sales machine shifted into overdrive.

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国民党的造谣部队几乎立刻就开始发猋。Almost immediately the KMT rumor machine slipped into overdrive.

如果匆忙是加速器的踏板,一心多用就是超速档。And if haste is the accelerator pedal, multitasking is overdrive.

采用自举模拟开关来提高开关管的栅过驱动电压。The bootstrapped switch is used to improve the gate overdrive voltage.

不要慌张。此刻正是你的放松技巧“一展身手”的时刻。Don't panic. Now's the time to put your relaxation skills into overdrive.

而当你处在恐惧之中,你的身体对这些矛盾的反应是超负荷的。And when you’re afraid, your body’s fight-or-flight reaction is in overdrive.

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当你把沃尔沃240打在超速档的时候,它有时候会不听话吗?Did your 240 sometimes not go into overdrive when you pushed the overdrive button?

他们的免疫系统太过活跃,少许气味都会引起激烈反应。Their hyper-active immune systems kicked into overdrive at even the slightest hint of a nut.

尤文图斯企图“攻陷”贝尼特斯的欲望在接下来的数周内将会愈演愈烈。Juve's attempts to land Benitez as their next boss will go to into overdrive over the next few weeks.

你不可能从第二档进入超速传动且不导致严重的混乱。You cannot go from gear 2 into Overdrive without causing serious confusion amongst the ranks so to speak.

毛刷那柔软的毛产生的轻抚的压力会让你浑身的敏感点都被激发,淫欲一发不可收拾。The gentle pressure of the bristles will perk up all of your hot spots, putting your desire into overdrive.

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该方法还包括向选择器的栅极施加过度驱动电压以导通选择器。The method further includes applying an overdrive voltage to a gate of the selector to turn on the selector.

根据公猫的生长环境,公猫体内的荷尔蒙会在8个月到18个月大时达到高潮。Male hormones can go into overdrive as early 8months and as late as 18 months, depending on the cat's surroundings.

大多数死于MRSA感染的病人在免疫系统亢进后,出现中毒性休克而亡。Most people who die from MRSA succumb to the toxic shock that sets in when their immune system goes into overdrive.

世博会官员表示,最大的挑战之一是保障城市安全,目前上海已经全面加强安保措施。Keeping the city safe is one of the biggest challenges, Expo officials said, with security measures already in overdrive.

在注射后的几个小时内,它们的嗅觉测探器超速运转,并且那些老鼠自己也能觉察到极小的气味。Their sniffers ran on overdrive for several hours following the injection. And the rats could detect fainter scents, too.

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雨果。威文,作为首席代理人,沉闷、险恶的腔调,让我想起了消极抵抗穷于应付的汤米。李。琼斯。Hugo Weaving, as the chief Agent, uses a flat, menacing tone that reminded me of Tommy Lee Jones in passive-aggressive overdrive.

今年的E3展即将到来,关于什么会和不会展出的鼓噪持续着将谣言推向极致。This year’s E3 is on the horizon, and the buzz of what may and may not be displayed continues to push the rumor mill into overdrive.

会面后,由李岚清,前党高层九人之一,所领导的中国的活动加速。The Chinese campaign went into overdrive after that encounter, led by Li Lanqing, one of the top nine members of the Communist Party.