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使他们着迷的事你没必要做很多。You don't have to do much to bewitch a child.

她有必要使人惊讶和着迷。It is necessary that she should astonish and bewitch.

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因为它可以让你对健康着迷。Because it can bewitch your quest for remarkable health.

加利美阿人相信家长会诅咒他们的孩子,尤其是母亲。The Nacirema believe that parents bewitch their own children.

我会教你们如何蛊惑意志,俘获感觉。I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.

她可以迷惑埃塞克斯每一个男人,但她永远没法子跟我的狗儿交上朋友。She may bewitch every man in Essex, but she'd never make friends with my dog.

闪动的能量,东方的香调,现在就以这兰蔻最新香氛去迷惑世人吧!Be ready to bewitch your world with this new sparkling solar oriental fragrance, by Lancome.

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在人类的各种情欲中,出了爱情和嫉妒外,就没有什么能迷惑人的心智了。There is none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch , but love and envy.

不过呢,对于那些出类拔萃,拥有特殊天赋的少数人,我可以教你们如何混乱心智和迷惑感官。However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.

上了彩印的水晶色彩鲜艳迷人,质感细腻。很多客户都喜欢经过这种工艺处理的水晶。The crystal with the color printing is more bewitch and with the soft feeling and many clients are very enjoy crystal with this workshop.

当一些心术不正的人利用这些超自然学科蛊惑人们时,往往带来很大的损失甚至灾难。When some wicked persons utilize those paranormal theories distorted by them to bewitch people, it may bring serious results even disasters.

是的,那将是令人耳目一新,除非她承认再次诱惑家长和孩子掏空他们的口袋。Yes, it would be refreshing if she just admitted she was once again going to bewitch parents and children alike into emptying out their pockets.

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除了政治文献中的吉祥含义外,狐狸还被认为是能够变身并蛊惑人的妖魔动物。In addition to its auspicious connotations in political texts, the fox was perceived as a spectral animal able to metamorphose and to bewitch people.

玫瑰望着那谜一样的眼睛,陷入了悸动的片刻,夜空中响着一首“听说爱情回来过”,玫瑰相信了传说。looking through the fascinate and bewitch eyes , girl lapsed into reverie, while a song coming with a wind “we’re told that love have ever been here.”

母亲像一个女巫似的披散着花白头发,尖叫着满屋乱撞,“啊,这个魔鬼居然跑到这儿来迷惑我的女儿啦。”The mother rushed around the house, screaming, with her grey hair flying loose like a very witch. "Ah! that fiend has even got in here to bewitch my girl for me."

描述、阐释和延展这类关键词,是一项艰难的工作,但它又像地中海海岛上的海妖塞壬那迷人的歌喉,对读者具有无限的蛊魅力。To describe, explain and extend theses key words is difficult, but they charm and bewitch the readers very much like the charming voice from the sea siren in the Mediterranean.