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甲把钱借给乙。A lent money to B.

汤姆把他的笔借给了我。Tom lent me his pen.

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莉莉借了支钢笔给我。Lily lent a pen to me.

他把自行车借给我用了。He lent his bicycle to me.

没给,不外他把书借给她了。No, but he lent it to her.

周兰借给我一些钱。Zhou Lan lent me some money.

他把字典借给我。想知道新概念作文。He lent his dictionary to me.

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你和李借给了她十美元。You and Lee lent her dollars.

我总是对四旬斋有点问题。It’s Lent I’ve always had issues with.

我信得过马克斯,就把钱借给他了。I trusted Max, so I lent him the money.

你不该借给她钱的。You shouldn't have lent her that money.

用户帐号不得转借、转让。Accounts may not be lent or transferred.

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红旗给街道增添了色彩。The red flags lent colour to the street.

在大斋期,他戒烟葡萄酒。In Lent he gives up smoking and drinking.

他们刚借了我一部激光视盘播放机。They've just lent me a laser disc player.

大腕·赵那天借给我一些DVD。Dawan Zhao lent me some DVDs the other day.

我记不得我曾借给他书的那个人了。I do not remember the man I lent the book to.

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你上个月把这本有趣的书借给了我。You lent me this interesting book last month.

上天借你一颗灵魂,尘世租你一块坟墓。Heaven lent you a soul Earth will lend a grave.

四旬斋强加给我们不管我们要求与否。Lent is upon us whether we asked for it or not.