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它常常在一阵雨中飞去。He commonly went off in a rain.

这也是普遍做法That's a commonly done one too.

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健谈者通常都是善于说谎的人。Great talkers are commonly liars.

多数的普通人用茶包泡茶。Most commonly people use tea bags.

通常被称为富锌涂层。Commonly called zinc-rich coatings.

一个常用的特性是标尺。One commonly used feature is rulers.

东亚人通常是干燥的耳垢。East Asians commonly have dry earwax.

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输入掩码通常包含原义字符。Input masks commonly contain literals.

东方亚洲人通常会有干的耳垢。East Asians commonly have "dry" earwax.

八个问题是常见的忌讳的问题。Here are eight commonly asked bloopers.

东方亚洲人通常有“干型”的耳屎。East Asians commonly have "dry" ear wax.

棘轮滚刀是常用的定装滚刀。Ratchet hob is commonly used it is, hob.

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一般有白色、浅绿色、玫瑰色等。Have commonly white, reseda, auroral etc.

它被普遍认做黑死病。It was known commonly as the Black Death.

捷径常是泥泞的。The shortest way is commonly the foulest.

聪明人常生笨小孩。A wise man commonly have foolish children.

常用的轮船机油油22号、30号。Commonly used marine engine glossy 22, 30.

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这就是一般的三色哥基。This is commonly referred to as a tricolor.

六氯化苯通常称为BHC。Benzene hexachloride is commonly called BHC.

最常用的是“利多卡因”喷雾。The most commonly used is 'Lidocaine' spray.