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青钢影简直无敌,谁能够制裁?Camille invincible, who can sanction?

国家有远见的领导人项目是由卡米尔?考斯比创办的。Camille cosby started the national visionary leadership project.

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原来她是一名来自澳大利亚的杂志社实习生,名叫卡米耶。She was an Australian interning at a magazine, and her name was Camille.

五年之后,飓风卡米尔袭击了密西西比海岸,造成250人死亡。Five years later, hurricane Camille hit the Mississippi coast, killing 250.

我叫林晓芳,来自中国。这是我的法国朋友卡米拉。My name is Lin Xiaofang and I'm from China. This is my French friend Camille.

卡米耶·托马斯是一个40岁的非裔美国人,喜欢在富国银行的工作。Camille Thomas, a 40-year-old African-American, loved working for Wells Fargo.

卡米尔·希曼是一位拍摄冰山照片而屡屡获奖的摄影师。Camille Seaman is an award-winning photographer who captures striking photos of icebergs.

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那是在丹佛,当卡米尔打开他们的房门,他终于在丹佛见到迪恩了。Camille opens the door to their room when they're in Denver, and he finally sees Dean in Denver.

卡米尔离合器密封编织皮革处理简单格南和一个醒目的水钻。The Camille clutch seals the deal on simple-glam with woven leather and an eye-catching rhinestone.

“出口商很强大,但我们也不能示弱,”马达加斯加总理卡米尔·维塔在最近一次接受采访时表示。“The exporters are strong, but so are we,” Prime Minister Camille Vital said in a recent interview.

当卡米耶热切渴求罗丹娶她为妻,却遭罗丹拒绝。1898年卡米耶断绝与罗丹的关系。Camille was fell on Rodin wedding her but he spurned her. In 1898 she terminates their relationship.

原来她名叫卡米拉来自澳大利亚,目前在一家杂志社实习,并且也想和他见面。She was an Australian interning at a magazine, and her name was Camille. And she wanted to meet too.

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特别感谢杰仕双语-赖子杰会长,朝阳企业创新学院-王敏昭院长及各位好友的辛勤努力。My special thanks are due to President Camille Lai , Prof. Michael Wang and those who helped make it happen.

卡米儿伸手指了指尸体堆后面一个阴暗潮湿的角落,塔利萨克医生正在那里恭候他们的到来。Camille pointed the way over a carpet of corpses to a dank corner of the immense chamber, where Talisac awaited them.

他曾由毕沙罗介绍加入印象主义画派并参加了第一届印象派画展。Introduced by Camille Pissarro, Cezanne joined the Impressionism and participated in the first Impressionist painting exhibition.

一司法人员匿名告知美联社,警方在周一对凯米莉.斯特劳斯.卡恩进行了质询。Police questioned Camille Strauss-Kahn on Monday, a judicial official speaking on condition of anonymity told the Associated Press.

所以,就是一张卡米尔的画,当然卡米尔并不知道就在同一天,迪恩还和玛丽露在另一家旅馆偷情之类的。So, it's a picture that Camille has drawn, and of course Camille doesn't know that he's sleeping with Marylou in another hotel on the same day, and so on.

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在过去的一年多,我也花了很多时间来专门研究和收集法国印象派艺术,如雷诺阿,莫奈,毕沙罗。For the last year or more I have also dedicated more time to studying and collecting the art of French impressionists such as Renoir, Monet, Camille Pissarro.

肖邦享年39岁,其作品优美动人,圣桑认为他的作品“彻底改变了艺术形式,为所有现代音乐开辟了道路”。By the time he died at 39 he had written music of sublime beauty that “revolutionised the art form and opened the way for all modern music”, thought Camille Saint-Saëns.

柯洛是精通色调渐层法和柔和边线的大师,他替印象派风景画家们开辟了一条道路,对后来的画家莫内、毕沙罗和摩里索影响很大。A master of tonal gradation and soft edges, he prepared the way for the Impressionist landscape painters and had an important influence on Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Berthe Morisot.