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在航行中他晕船。He got seasick during the voyage.

人生常被比做海上航行。Life is often likened to sea voyage.

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伊萨卡已经给予了你美丽的旅程。Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.

我们航行的头一段很愉快。The first part of our voyage was pleasant.

它是一次过长的旅程,是过浓的香水。It's a voyage too long. Perfume too strong.

这桃惮将在下周一开始它的处暖航。The ship will start its voyage next Monday.

你在这次航行里对他还满意吗?Have you been satisfied with him this voyage?

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这能为他们赢得整个航行中的地位。It gives them a footing for the whole voyage.

1433年,郑和在他最后一次航行中去世。Zheng He died in 1433 during his last voyage.

希望大家回国一路顺风,旅途愉快!Hope you have a safe journey home. Bon voyage.

船长为他的船储备食物,以备航程中食用。The captain victualed his ship for the voyage.

我们正在装备这艘船,以便能作远航。We are fitting out the ship for a long voyage.

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约翰打算作一次横渡太平洋的舴航行。John is go to took a voyage through the Pacific.

你的任务是在塔斯曼海上航程。Your mission is to voyage across the Tasman sea.

坐船到非洲花了他们一个多月的时间。The voyage to Africa took them more than a month.

约翰打算作一次横渡太平洋的舴航行。John is going to take a voyage across the Pacific.

医生说,航一次海就可以使他们复原的。The Doctor says an ocean voyage would set them up.

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第一次风暴总是航行中最美好的记忆。The first storm is the best memory of each voyage.

泰坦尼克号的处女航必须成为头版头条。This maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines.

中国人的航海地图证明了这个是真实的。Maps of the Chinese voyage show this to be factual.