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将组织平面化。Flatten the organization.

排空塑料袋里的气体,然后密封起来。Flatten the bags and seal.

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把鸡肉切1厘米厚的片。Flatten chicken to 1cm thickness.

你最好拉紧主帆索。You'd better flatten in the main ropes.

用手掌将其稍微压扁成8寸左右大小的圆状。Flatten into 8-inch circle. Brush with oil.

在层菜单里选择拼合图像。In your layer options, select Flatten Image.

朝军的炮兵火力足以掀翻汉城North Korea could flatten Seoul with Artillery

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我要的就是折皱,但你现在却把它熨平了。Creases are what I want. But now you flatten it.

她用擀面棍来擀平做馅饼的面团。She used a rolling pin to flatten the pie dough.

发皱的丝绸可以用熨斗烫平。The wrinkled silk will flatten out if you iron it.

我每天做仰卧起坐数百次,就是想打平我的肚腩。Everyday I do hundreds of crunches to flatten my abs.

用手掌将面团压成1英寸厚的圆饼。Flatten each ball to 1 inch thick between your palms.

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变皱了的绸子,如果经过熨烫可以再变平。Wrinkled skill will flatten out again if you iron it.

你应做些运动来使你的腹部变平。You have to do some exercise to flatten your abdomen.

因此一定要使组织平面化。So you really have to work to flatten the organization.

皱了的绸子,你如果熨一下,可以变平的。The wrinkled silk will flatten out again if you iron it.

这里的山丘变平了,地面基本上是平坦的。The hills flatten out here, and the ground is almost level.

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伸展舌头可以让你的舌头变平。Extending your tongue helps flatten the back of your tongue.

用手指把黏土按成上圆下尖的花瓣形状。Flatten the petal with index finger, to form a "tear drop" shape.

如果他们想要去伊拉克,他们会在一周就摧毁那个地方。If they wanted to go to Irag, they'd flatten the place in a week.