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百年灵轨道器3的一面。A side view of the Breitling Orbiter 3.

我国近日将择机发射第五颗北斗导航卫星。China to launch fifth orbiter for its own 'GPS'.

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亚特兰蒂斯被选为第一个轨道器获得的玻璃座舱。Atlantis was chosen as the first orbiter to receive the glass cockpit.

“嫦娥1号”将完成的,是中国人的一个古老的梦想。Chang'e 1 Lunar orbiter will achieve the ancient dream of the Chinese.

周五的发射将是航天飞机30年里的135次执行任务,也是最后一次。Friday's ascent would be the 135th and last in the 30-year orbiter programme.

环绕月球时,卫星距离地球约372,335公里。In orbit around the Moon, the orbiter was about 372,335 kilometers from Earth.

自检包括一名工程师在航天飞机在发射室之一。A self-test consists of one engineer in the orbiter and one in the firing room.

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周日清晨,中国成功发射第八颗北斗导航卫星。Early Sunday, China successfully launched its eighth orbiter of the Beidou system.

将会发射一个由欧空局主导的,研究火星大气中包括甲烷在内的气体痕迹的轨道飞行器。A European-led orbiter to study trace gases, including methane, in Mars' atmosphere.

中国的月球人造卫星项目花费了1.4十亿元大约133到187百万美国。China's lunar orbiter project has cost 1.4 billion yuan about 133 to 187 million U. S.

这些旧磁带包含着1960年代五次月球探测器任务中发回的原始数据。The tapes contain raw data sent back from the five Lunar Orbiter missions in the 1960s.

卡西尼及其两个内建相机的设计,开发和组装的喷气推进实验室。The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL.

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月球探测卫星的相机拍摄这张照片,是作为其校准工作的一部分。The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera captured this image as part of a calibration exercise.

火星侦察轨道器一直绕着2006年年初以来同名的星球。The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been circumnavigating its namesake planet since early 2006.

目前在火星轨道上运行的火星勘测轨道飞行器是NASA最强大的航天器。The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is NASA's most powerful spacecraft currently in orbit around Mars.

美国航空航天局正在操作深宇宙通信收集和火星奥德赛号轨道翱翔器听取漫游者是否被再次叫醒。NASA is using the Deep Space Network and the Mars Odyssey orbiter to listen if the rover reawakens.

一艘NASA航天飞机已经在“奋进”内外观测到属于粘土和其他水合矿物的特征。NASA orbiter has spotted the signature of clays and other hydrated minerals in and around Endeavour.

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NASA的月球勘测轨道飞行器历时六个月,拍摄了1,700张月球极区的照片。Over six months, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took 1,700 pictures of the moon's polar region.

中国的国家电视台中央电视台现场直播了翟志刚漂浮在轨道舱外的画面。State broadcaster CCTV showed live images of Zhigang as he floated out of the orbiter module's hatch.

一艘NASA航天飞机已经在“奋进”内外观测到属于粘土和其他水合矿物的特征。A NASA orbiter has spotted the signature of clays and other hydrated minerals in and around Endeavour.