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以下是作者谢乐尔.无邓恩7月在英国牛津大学TED全球会议上的演讲。Author Sheryl WuDunn spoke at the TED Global conference in July in Oxford, England.

紫红色是代替沉闷黑色的最佳选择,雪儿·克劳的尝试就很成功。Aubergine is an interesting alternative to boring black and Sheryl Crow carried it off well.

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桑德伯格家的孩子们上的是公立学校,谢丽尔在班上总是名列前茅。The Sandberg children attended public school, and Sheryl was always at the top of her class.

谢丽尔总是坐在会议桌上,”召唤所有初级官员移动位置,大声喊道“我们要腾出空间。”Sheryl was always at the table, ” beckoning all the junior staffers to move, exclaiming, “We’ll make room.”

在“当谢丽尔加入时,我们正缺少高管的直属下层人员,”兰迪•扎克伯格说。“When Sheryl joined, we were missing the layer right below the senior-executive team,” Randi Zuckerberg said.

在“当谢丽尔加入时,我们正缺少高管的直属下层人员,”兰迪•扎克伯格说。"When Sheryl joined, we were missing the layer right below the senior-executive team, " Randi Zuckerberg said.

在“当谢丽尔加入时,我们正缺少高管的直属下层人员,”兰迪•扎克伯格说。“When Sheryl joined, we were missing the layer right below the senior-executive team, ” Randi Zuckerberg said.

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谢丽尔做的却是打电话给理查德•派普斯,”他是研究俄国革命的带头历史学家,也是哈佛的教授。What Sheryl did was call Richard Pipes, ” who was a leading historian of the Russian Revolution and a professor at Harvard.

经七届环法自行车赛冠军兰斯·阿姆斯特朗的发言人确认,阿姆斯特朗已于近日与美国著名摇滚歌星谢里尔·克罗正式订婚。Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong is engaged to marry rock star Sheryl Crow, a spokesman for the cyclist has confirmed.

我站在旁边静静的看着,Sheryl也看着,我不确定,又看了一遍,欢呼声响彻屋子,因为我们看到了粉色的糖衣。I looked. Sheryl looked. I wasn't quite sure. I checked again. She checked again. Cheers echoed through the house as we saw the pink icing.

女人需要对等于“老男孩社交”的交际圈,在她看来“谢丽尔正在硅谷内部聚集了一个新新女孩社交圈。”Women need the equivalent of "the old-boys network, " and in her view "Sheryl is putting together a new-girls network inside Silicon Valley.

为了抚养谢丽尔和弟弟大卫、妹妹米歇尔,母亲阿黛尔放弃了攻读哲学博士学位,在大学教法语。Her mother, Adele, gave up studying for a Ph.D. and teaching college French in order to raise Sheryl and her two younger siblings, David and Michelle.

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俄亥俄州克里夫兰凯斯西保留地医学院心理学家雪利尔·金斯伯格说,这些问题的表现形式趋向多元。It's the flavor of those problems that tends to differ, said Sheryl Kingsberg, a psychologist at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.

她走到几百人的办公桌前打断他们说‘你好,我是谢丽尔•桑德伯格。’“She walked up to hundreds of people’s desks and interrupted them and said, ‘Hi, I’m Sheryl Sandberg, ’ ” recalls Chris Cox, the vice-president of product, who sits next to Zuckerberg.