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你是否命名了你的所有的忍狗?他们的名字都是什莫?。Q. Did you name all your Nin Dogs? What are their names?

MIN的歌迷同样可以从他的网站免费下载。NIN fans can still grab The Slip for free from his web site.

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而这些消息是娜伊咖偶然间看到并发布出去的。And these messages is nin cafe accidentally see and issue out.

不像其他项目,它不会把一个图标托盘中的默认。Unlike other programs, it won't put an ico Sex nin your tray by default.

汉语普通话第二人称代词尊称“您”的用法源于北京话。The second personal pronoun "nin" in mandarin is originated from Beijing vernacular.

本文预报下一次埃尔-尼诺现象将发生在1995年前后。The results show that the next El Nin o phenomenon will be appeared round about 1995.

于我,九寸钉乐队标识因其简约,极简,成为最好。I think the best one is NIN logo for its simplicity and minimalism. What do you think?

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生命的变化发展如何取决于一个人的勇气。"Life shrinks or expends in proportion to one's courage. " Anais Nin wrote that, not me.

NIN并不依附于唱片公司的事实让他们得以试验这个新想法。The fact that NIN are not tied to a record label frees them to experiment with such new ideas.

一九八九年至一九九二年其间,他跟随多伦多大学陈嘉年教授学习作曲。From 1989 to 1992, he studied composition privately with University of Toronto Professor Chan Ka Nin.

二战后,一想到有个女人的受到的教育比自己多,甚至一样多,男人就会觉得受到威胁了。Men nin the postwar period were threatened by the thought of awoman with more or even as much education as they had.

我要谢谢布什总统为国度做出的劳绩,以及谢谢他在两届政府过渡工夫给与的激昂大方配合。I thank President Bush for his service to our nin fair-cont to generosity and cooper he has shown throughout this transition.

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这封情书写于1994年,它在评选中打败了济慈、丘吉尔、吉米-亨德里克斯以及好莱坞最著名的恋人理查德-伯顿和丽兹-泰勒,荣登榜首。Written nin 1994, the letter beat notes by Keats, Churchill, Jimi Hendrix and the great Hollywood lovers Richard Burton and Liz Taylor.

据央视报道,清华大学仍旧摘下铭牌,不以通行服装品牌“真维斯”命名该校教学楼。Tsinghua University has cancelled nin the morninging one of its barns "Jeanswest", a preferred Chinese clothes completely, CCTV reported.

茚三酮和DFO在显现渗透性客体上的汗潜手印时,显现原理、实验方法,以及实验结果均有不同。The manifest method, experimental means and result are different when using NIN and DFO to reveal sweat fingerprints in the permeated objects.

乌拉圭副总统兼国会主席、参议长诺沃亚等会见时在座。Uruguay's Vice President, National Congress President and Senate President Rodolfo Gustavo Nin Novoa and other officials attended the meeting.

起初我还不太适应被许多陌生的眼睛注视着,但后来在NIN教练动感舞步的感染下,我渐渐完全沉浸于运动的喜悦之中了。At first I wasn't too comfortable being watched by so many strangers, but then infected by the NIN coaches dance steps, I gradually lost myself in the work out.

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容闳出生在贫苦农民家庭,童年时,父亲为把他培养成买办,设法将他送到澳门,在英国人创办的一所小学里受启蒙教育。Though Rong hong was born in a poor peasant's family, his father, in the hope of making him a comprador, managed to send him to an elementary school set up by the British nin Macao.

无论强风或烈火都无法阻挡猫咪「宁恩」十二年来在美国东北部最高峰巡逻,宁恩是新罕布夏州华盛顿山的气象观测站的吉祥猫。Neither strong wind nor high flames bothered Nin the cat during a dozen years patrolling the US Northeast's highest peak as mascot of the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire.

当晚,贾庆林礼节性会见了乌副总统兼国会主席、参议院议长诺沃亚等乌方高级官员。On the same night, Jia Qinglin also had a courtesy meeting with Vice-President and President of the Uruguayan National Congress Rodolfo Gustavo Nin Noboa and other senior officials of Uruguay.