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到纽约票一张,经济座。One New York, economy.

更加经济性的攀爬。Climb with more economy.

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根本没有什么新经济。There is no new economy.

经济正在软化。The economy is softening.

他不谙经济学。He is unlearned in economy.

辛巴威经济变化多快?How fast did the economy turn?

我要租一辆省油车。I want to rent an economy car.

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经济也在复苏。The economy has perked up too.

我的车在经济实惠方面比得上你的车。My car equals yours in economy.

我要租一辆省油车。I'd like to rent an economy car.

因此,爱尔兰经济不同于希腊。So its economy is unlike Greece.

当前的美国经济是一个困局。The U.S. economy is a conundrum.

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继而乌克兰的经济一落千丈。Then Ukraine's economy nosedived.

我们必须对乡镇经济进行重组。We must retool the town's economy.

中国经济发展的很好。China's economy is doing vell vell.

美国经济正在日本化?Is The US Economy Turning Japanese?

让我们从一个以物易物的经济开始。Let us start with a barter economy.

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当然有。头等舱还是经济舱?。Sure we do. First-class or economy?

经济起飞。The economy is at a take-off stage.

经济似乎在复苏。The economy seems to be turning up.