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坚韧不拔有别于勇猛。Fortitude is distinct from valour.

他在战场里的英勇人所共见。His valour in the war war seen by everybody.

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战胜自然是上帝对我们力量和勇气的考验。Defeating nature is God's test of our strength and valour.

他勇猛而有活力,但他同样也有失落的时候。He is full of valour and vigour , but he also has depression.

如此令人震惊的事实和英勇故事并不能掩饰我们对战争英雄的冷漠。Such startling facts and stories of valour don't hide our apathy as a nation to war heroes.

侵略者真正的蔑视表现在战场上勇猛的行为。The true contempt of an invader is shown by deeds of valour in the field-hermocrates of syracuse.

于是约书亚和他一切兵丁,并大能的勇士,都从吉甲上去。So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour.

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约克敦之围中的英勇表现使得范·科特兰上校晋升为准将。Colonel van Cortlandt was promoted to brigadier general following acts of valour at the Siege of Yorktown.

蒙古大元帝国是依靠其庞大的军事力量和民族的尚武之风建立起来的。The Mongol Great Yuan Empire was founded on its enormous military power and the national valour and vigour.

耶和华的使者向基甸显现,对他说,大能的勇士阿,耶和华与你同在。And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.

他为作战顺利,特别喜爱夜间进袭,因此他勇敢的声誉传遍各地。And especially in the nights he went upon these expeditions, and the fame of his valour was spread abroad everywhere.

耶和华晓谕约书亚说,看哪,我已经把耶利哥和耶利哥的王,并大能的勇士,都交在你手中。And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.

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既然在世界杯上打不出华丽的足球,那么你至少要拥有哀兵之勇,以及足成酒吧谈资的冷门结果。If you can't have sumptuous play at a World Cup you at least need underdog valour and surprising outcomes to discuss in the pub.

大卫在位第四十年,经过调查,在基列的雅谢从这家族中找到英勇的战士。In the fortieth year of the reign of david they were sought for and there were found among them mighty men of valour at jazer of gilead.

这项比谁表现得更英勇的活动,既达到了建立感情的效果,又省去了拓展训练课程的开支和废话。A comparative show of valour that achieves the bonding effect of an outward bound training course but with none of the expense or palaver.

然而我并非仅仅由于汝之英勇而遣汝前去,而是为了给这世界带来一个超出汝之预见的希望,一线能够穿透黑暗的光明。But it is not for thy valour only that I send thee, but to bring into the world a hope beyond thy sight, and a light that shall pierce the darkness.

凡事从容优雅,因为,优雅胜过勇敢,明断,谨慎,甚至威严,它既可以帮你迅速成功,也可使你轻易摆脱困境。Grace in everything , because, it surpasses valour , discretion , prudence , even majesty itself, it is a short way to accomplishment and an easy escape from embarrassment.

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蒙古人强占了你的房子,夺取了你的家禽家畜以及你的土地,他们看起来无所不在且充满勇猛与兴旺,男人们都笑你是女人是懦夫。The Mongols have displaced you from your own houses, have taken your flocks and your land, seem to stand everywhere full of valour and success. Men call you women and cowards.

城墙四面各设城门一座,其中南面的午门和北面的神武门现专供参观者游览出入。Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, the Meridian Gate on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today.

叙述勤劳勇敢的姑娘阿诗玛,为追求自由婚姻,同她的阿黑哥一起,向封建统治者进行斗争的故事。The story is an account of the perseverance and valour of a girl named Ashima and her struggle against a feudal ruler along with her lover Ahei in pursuit of the freedom to marry.