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饮食中减少盐的摄入。Reduce salt in your diet.

帮助减少老人斑。Helps to reduce age spots.

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降低电流密度。Reduce the current density.

减少一些你需要做的事情。Reduce what you need to do.

您可以减少您的圈数了。You can reduce your rounds.

缩少字型和页边空白处。Reduce font size and margin.

调小火,加入油桃。Reduce heat. Add nectarines.

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那么t也可以推出来。OK. t of 1 I can also reduce.

你也该减减肥啦!You also should reduce weight!

如果你感受到了,就尽量减少它们。If you have, try and reduce it.

不过它可以减少价值。It can, however, reduce values.

她设法降低她的体重。She tried to reduce her weight.

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我们努力降低我们的税务。We battled to reduce our taxes.

降低半山区西部的地积比率。Reduce the PR in Mid-levels West.

玛丽正试图减少开支。Maey is trying to reduce expenses.

比如缩小到一半或者三分之一,对不对?You reduce it in third. All right?

驶近苏伊士湾,减速航行。Approach Suez Bay and reduce speed.

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不要忘了将结果约分至最简分数!Do not forget to reduce the result!

许多油漆可用松节油稀释。Most paints reduce with turpentine.

那沙司应被熬成一小杯。The sauce should reduce to one cup.