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你最喜欢的原创NES游戏是什么?Q. What was your favorite original NES game?

NES是如何达到或者超过你们的预期的?Q. How did the NES meet or exceed your expectations?

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截止到1990年,三分之一的美国家庭拥有了NES系统。By 1990, one-third of all US homes had an NES system.

通信员送来消息说这场战斗失败了。Messengers brought nes that the battle had been lost.

真见鬼,是这么回事。有人记得任天堂的“灵幻道士”么?Heck yeah, anyone remember Phantom Fighter on the NES?

就大的范围而言,NES是缓慢的但是稳定的逐步流行起来的。On the large scale, the NES caught on slowly but steadily.

我在任天堂的第一份工作是修理顾客的NES面板。My first job at Nintendo was repairing consumers' NES decks.

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今天的报纸有很多爆炸性新闻。There are a lot of sensational nes stories in today's newspaper.

由上等奥地利牛奶巧克力制成的NES游戏机的遥控器。NES controller-shaped candy bar made from the finest Austrian milk chocolate.

一位在莫斯科的新经济学院教授可以与哈佛或斯坦福的同行展开合作。An NES professor in Moscow can collaborate with colleagues at Harvard or Stanford.

在任天国主板上,还有几片7400系列的电影。On the NES mothergame board! there is also several pieces of 7400 series glue logic.

带开关的枪能控制电子闹钟和收音机。Old NES light gun was modified with tilt switches to control a vintage digital clock radio.

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利用T65任天国体系中需要时钟分频本领劳动。Along with the T65, the clock divider is required in order for anything to work with the NES.

正如新经济学院的那位学生在1993年所说的,现实的世界并不像书本上那样理性。In the words of that NES student back in 1993, the real world is not so rational as on paper.

红白机游戏辅助易语言源码例程程序调用API函数实现红白机游戏的辅助。NES games easy language auxiliary source routine procedure call API functions of the NES games.

本文阐述了CT在骨盆骨折中的作用并提供骨折分类之概述。This article de?nes the role of CT in pelvic fractures and provides an overview of fracture classi?cation.

我知道,新经济学院是一个年轻的院校,但今天我心怀对俄罗斯不朽的传统的高度敬重之情对你们发表讲话。I know that NES is a young school, but I speak to you today with deep respect for Russia's timeless heritage.

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就一个个体要素而言,我们能够看到人们一旦拿起操纵器就和NES建立了一种联系。On an individual basis, we could see that people made a connection with the NES as soon as they got their hands on it.

传统的网元时钟电路由模拟锁相外加软件或微处理机来实现。The traditional NEs clocking approach is based on the analog PLLs under the control by some software and microprocessors.

双十字绣,也称为利维坦针或称为士麦那十字绣,结合一个堂堂正正的十字绣1十字绣。The double cross-stitch, also known as a Leviathan stitch or Smyrna cross stitch, combi nes a cross-stitch with an upright cross-stitch.