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在我的财务规划里,我买了一些企业债券。In my portfolio, I bought some debenture stock.

债券和股票有什么不同?What's the difference between debenture and share?

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企业债券市场是金融市场的重要组成部分。The debenture market is the most important part of the finance market.

由此可见,可交换债券发行需求旺盛。Thus it can be seen, may exchange the debenture issue demand to be exuberant.

可转换公司信用债券可转换成为其他证券的公司信用债券。Convertible Debenture Any type of debenture that can be converted into some other security.

符合学校标准的申请学生,如持有债券就可优先考虑。If an applicant meets the school's standards, a debenture places him at the head of the queue.

自从2002年2月以来,我国债券市场上的利率风险逐步升温。Since February in 2002, interest rate venture of Chinese debenture market is gradually rising.

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企业债券发行规模与节奏尚不能对宏观经济指标的变动做出适应性反应。The issuing scale and rhythm of debenture can?t respond adjustably to the fluctuation of macroeconomic indicators.

我们必须采取有效措施促进企业债券稳步发展。Therefore, we must take effective measures to ensure the steady growth of the debenture industry of the enterprises.

迪卢柏需要在足球体育场中召开年会,还需要从直升机散发公司债券的申购单。Dhirubhai held annual meetings in football stadiums and scattered subscription forms for one debenture from a helicopter.

未经国家外汇管理局批准,擅自签订的发债协议无效。A debenture issue agreement which is signed without the approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shall be invalid.

目前,我国公司债券融资发展速度缓慢,企业对股票融资和银行贷款更加偏重。At present, the debenture financing is developing at a slow pace because corporations usually prefer stock financing and bank loans.

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信用债券是指公司发行的债权股证、公债和其它有价证券,不管它们是否构成公司资产抵押。Debentures includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of a company whether or not constituting a charge on the assets of the company.

公司股票及可转换公司债券将于公司披露重大资产重组预案后恢复交易。The company share and may transform the debenture bond after the company to disclose significant assets reorganization plan resumes the transaction.

但企业债券市场的发展滞后于股票市场,对证券市场的健康发展带来了不利影响。But the development of debenture market falls behind that of stock market, thus brings unfavorable influence on healthy development of Securities market.

公司债券无抵押债务,只依赖借方信用质量作为支持,并无抵押品,协议属于契约形式。Debenture An unsecured debt backed only by the credit worthiness of the borrower. There is no collateral, and the agreement is documented by an indenture.

当债务人无法向债权人支付收益时,债权人可以根据契约向指定的委托管理人出售相应的资产来进行偿付。If debenture interest is not paid, the trust deed may allow the debenture holders to appoint a receiver to sell sufficient assets for the debenture to be paid.

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发行债券或其它证券,对合资经营企业的资产、收入或者营业来说,将发生一笔费用或负担。Creating any debenture or other security constituting a charge or other encumbrance on any assets or properties or revenues or any part of the undertaking of the jv e?

这与一些普通法管辖区形成强烈对比,这些管辖区强制上市交易的公司债券指定受托人以保护债券持有人利益。This is in sharp contrast with some common law jurisdiction in which it is mandatory for listed debentures to appoint a trustee to protect debenture holders' interests.

在构建了我国企业债券市场的均衡分析理论的基础上,笔者对我国企业债券市场的实际规模进行了测算,结论是我国企业债券市场必然会得到巨大发展。And on the basis of the proportional analysis in the debenture, we test the real scale of our debenture market. So we think that our debenture market will develop quickly.