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光脑袋,剃得快。A bald head is soon shaven.

光头使他的大圆脸更加突出。His shaven head accentuates his large round face.

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如果可能会刺激皮肤适用于刚剃光。May cause irritation if applied to freshly shaven skin.

他的胡须蓬乱,他有一个星期没刮胡子了。His beard straggles because he hasn't shaven for a week.

勃克·穆利根从右肩侧过他那半边刮好的脸。Buck Mulligan showed a shaven cheek over his right shoulder.

他是个大块头,不蓄须,他的头发也剃光了。He was a big man, clean-shaven, and his head was shaven too.

然而他的头发被剃之后,又渐渐长起来了。Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven.

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蒲柏的稿纸是天鹅绒般的草坪,镰刀割过,碾辊压过。Pope's is a velvet lawn, shaven by the scythe, and levelled by the roller.

圣线佩戴仪式结束之后,我剃光的头给我带来巨大的烦恼。My shaven head after the sacred thread ceremony caused me one great anxiety.

他把胡子剃得光光的,他那些母牛认不得他便不肯出奶了。His cows didn't recognize him clean shaven and wouldn't give down their mild.

“青蛙的孩子只能长成青蛙。”一个秃头嘲笑地说。"The babies of frogs will become but frogs, " said one shaven pate, laughing.

他的头发半剃,可见得即将接受脑部手术。From his half- shaven head I could tell that he was off to receive brain surgery.

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一般人讲的僧伽是指外相上是个和尚——剃了光头穿上褐袍。The conventional Sangha means monks according to form, with shaven head and wearing brown robes.

他的身体保养得很好,头发剃光了,身穿僧侣通常穿著的藏红色袍子。He had kept his body well, his head was shaven and he wore the usual saffron-coloured sannyasi robe.

约伯就起来,撕裂了自己的外氅,剃去头发,俯伏在地叩拜。Then Job rose up, and rent his garments, and having shaven his head fell down upon the ground and worshipped.

这张脸分明是阴沉的,可是为要使人看得十分明白,又剃得很干净。It was distinctly a lowering countenance, and, that no feature of it might escape notice, it was clean- shaven.

大部分伤员都是头部被砍伤,他们剃光头发的头皮上满是纵横交错的长疤痕和缝线。Most of the wounded were slashed in the head, their shaven scalps now criss-crossed with long scars and stitches.

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王后一行到达顶楼后,发现里面空无一人,只看到国王剃下的须发。When they got to the top floor, Queen Sivali found it empty, with only the king's shaven hair and beard still there.

他的风格和奥巴马总统大不一样,他剃光了头,戴着红手帕,左耳朵上还戴着金耳坠。With his shaven head, red bandana and a gold stud in his left ear, his style is very different from President Obama's.

起初我以为这是一家同性恋酒吧,后来才知道那些男人是剃了光头的美国大兵,显然他们到这里来是接受丛林战训练的。At first I mistake for as a gay bar but it turns out to be shaven headed American GIs, apparently posted here for jungle training.