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想想办法来重新包装您的技能。Think about ways to repackage your skills.

他想把汉考克重新包装甚至重新打造成一个好人。He wants to repackage and, even more, remake Hancock into a good guy.

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信托公司然后将贷款重新打包到面向客户的金融工具中。The trusts repackage the loans into financial instruments for clients.

买大包装的零食,自己分装成小包装。Buy the bigger package of snacks and repackage them into smaller bags yourself.

你把高风险贷款大卸八块再重包装成看起来好像还稳当的证券。You slice and dice and repackage high-risk loans into securities that seem to be solid.

最高的利润将由那些能向多重市场推出重新包装的节目的人创造。And the fattest profits will be made by those who can repackage content for multiple markets.

不过,她显然是运用到了西方的方式为当代读者解读这位古老的学者。Nevertheless, she used markedly Western means to repackage the ancient master for modern readers.

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弗朗辛河流心爱的小说,具有令人惊叹的新外观和奖金讨论的问题现在重新打包。A repackage of Francine Rivers's beloved novel, now with a stunning new look and bonus discussion questions.

由于提供了源代码,可以随意将组件重新打包为需要的特性组。Because the source code is available to you, feel free to repackage the components into whatever feature groupings you need.

在就业和经济问题上,奥巴马没有提出新的全面措施,但他试图重新整合现有的重点方案。On jobs and the economy, there were no sweeping fresh initiatives, but Mr Obama sought to repackage his existing priorities.

简而言之,这篇综述仅仅是在简单重新包装以前已经被阐明的诸多衰老假说,很难能使读者信服它的价值。In short, this review does little more than repackage a hypothesis that has been stated before and does little to convince the reader of its validity.

只要政府在不降低医疗服务质量的前提下不再提高总成本,医生将对他们的服务自由定价和分配。So long as total cost to the government does not rise and quality of care does not suffer, doctors should have the freedom to repackage and reprice their services.

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据业内分析人士消息,上周中国银行监督管理委员会已经下令各银行,停止与信贷公司将欠账证券化或重新投资的行为。Last week, the China Banking Regulatory Commission ordered banks to stop working with trust companies to securitize or repackage loans, according to industry analysts.

比其他国家更胜一筹的是,美国将所接受的外国文化产品重新组合包装,然后重新传向全球。What Americans have done more brilliantly than their competitors overseas is repackage the cultural products we receive from abroad and then retransmit them to the rest of the planet.

跟北京大多数居民一样,一个在忙著打理市场新鲜蔬菜的女子说,南方的大雪对首都北京没有明显的影响。Like most Beijing residents, one of the women working to repackage fresh vegetables in the supermarket says the storms farther south have not had a noticeable impact on the Chinese capital.

不过,将计划保存为一个单独的文件可为您提供更大的灵活性,因为您无需每次在对部署计划进行更改时都打包该文件。However, keeping the plan as a separate file gives you more flexibility since you don't need to repackage the application as many times as you do when changes are made in the deployment plan.

如果你让其它政党形成并参与普选,那么穆斯林兄弟会的支持者就会锐减,除非它能重新包装自己使得对埃及的年轻人有吸引力。Once you let other political parties form and compete for popularity, electoral support for the MB is likely to decline, unless it can repackage itself in a way that appeals to younger Egyptians.