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我们只晓得我们所生活的地球上的一张薄膜。We are acquainted with a mere pellicle of the globe on which we live.

采用HPLC对核桃仁种皮中的多酚类物质进行了分析研究。The determination of polyphenols in the walnut kernel pellicle was studied by HPLC.

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目前国内针对塑料薄膜表面的疵点检测基本上还是由人工视觉完成。At present, the defect inspection of the pellicle is basically done by human vision in China.

大核纵向分布。低倍镜下表膜光滑,高倍镜下可见具有明显的网格状条纹。Pellicle appears smooth at low magnifications, reticulate striations can be observed at high magnifications.

显然,花粉壁蛋白和柱头表膜蛋白分别是花粉侧和柱头侧不亲和反应的识别物质。It is obvious that pollen- wall and stigma- pellicle proteins are recognition substances of pollen and stigma respectively.

低倍镜下虫体表膜光滑,而高倍镜下可见表膜具有一薄层排列均匀、整齐的泡状结构。Pellicle appears smooth at low magnification, a thin layer of inflated cortical vesicles can be observed at high magnification.

本方法准确,快速,简便,可用于复方胶原蛋白烧伤膜释放度的测定。This method is accurate, rapid and simple for the quality control of the collagen burn pellicle of compound sulfadiazine silver.

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针对薄膜料破碎而独特设计的剪刀型刀架结构,更加有利于提高工作效率。Uniquely designed with cross style cutter blade base purposely for granulating of pellicle plastics , increases work efficiency.

根据薄壁球壳内爆炸引起的动态变形和破坏特征,建立了其分析模型。According to the characters of distortion and fragmentation of pellicle ball under inner explosive an analysis model is established.

口围缘到反口纤毛环之间具有85-110列横向环纹,反口纤毛环到帚胚之间有35-45列环纹。Pellicle finely striated with ca 35-45 striations from scopula to aboral trochal band and ca 85-110 from aboral trochal band to oral area.

表膜具有明显的条纹,口围缘到反口纤毛环之间约有75-95列横向环纹,反口纤毛环到帚胚之间约有40-50列环纹。Pellicle clearly striated, with ca 40-50 striations from scopula to aboral trochal band and ca 75-95 from aboral trochal band to oral area.

建立制备动物口腔粘膜溃疡模型,从溃面直径和愈合期两个方面考察药物的疗效。Animal model of oral ulcer was constructed to determine the curative effect of the pellicle with the diameter of ulcer area and healing time.

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口围缘到反口纤毛环之间具有50-60列横向环纹,反口纤毛环到帚胚之间有20-27列环纹。Pellicle distinctly striated, with 20-27 striations from scopula to aboral trochal band and 50-60 striations from aboral trochal band to oral area.

初步研制成了高发射率、可持续工作并能实现精确控温的高精度薄膜电阻加热板。The pellicle resistance heater which can work continuously and has high emissivity is primarily developed. Its temperature can be accurately controlled.

口围缘到反口纤毛环之间具有50-68列横向环纹,反口纤毛环到帚胚之间有32-53列环纹。Pellicle finely striated, with 50-68 pellicular striae between aboral trochal band and peristomial lip, and 32-53 between aboral trochal band and scopula.

本文研究了绿草履虫皮层表面的结构,草履虫体表布满由表膜突起形成的网格,于每一网格中央的表膜凹陷内伸出一根纤毛。The structure of the cortical surface of Paramecium bursaria is studied. On the whole surface of Paramecium, there is a network formed by the convex of the pellicle.

采用常规和仪器分析方法对核桃内种皮中一些营养和功能成分含量进行了初步分析测定。The contents of nutritional and functional components of walnut kernel pellicle were analyzed preliminarily by using conventional and instrumental analytical methods.

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撕带又称金拉带,在未拆封的香烟烟包和录音磁带盒等薄膜包装的产品上均能见到。The tear tape which is also called the golden lug strap can be found on the surfaces of cigarette packs, recording cassette boxes and other products which are covered with pellicle.

该文论述了酱油中酵母菌的检验与防治,有效地防止酱油长白、涨瓶现象的发生。This article discussed the cause of mildew, the inspection and prevention of undesired yeast, prevention of forming white pellicle and bottle expanding, and improvement of soy sauce quality.

对现有金属带酸洗工艺的不足之处,进行了适当改进,提高了连续酸洗工艺生产线的调节能力、酸洗速度和酸洗质量。Based on the high requirements of precision mask processing on quality, the pellicle mount was done and the precision cleaning process was improved, final process was completed with experiments.