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哺乳动物α淀粉酶的活性中心。The active center of a mammalian alpha-amylase.

显然哺乳动物的一夫一妻制天性很薄弱。Apparently that monogamous mammalian instinct is weak.

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哺乳动物细胞只能产生单链RNA。Mammalian cells make only the single-stranded variety.

卓敏谷氨酸是哺乳动物脑中的兴奋性递质。Glutamate is a fast excitatory transmitter in mammalian brains.

酪蛋白是牛奶以及所有哺乳动物奶中的蛋白质。Casein is the protein in cow's milk, as well as all mammalian milk.

座头鲸保持著世界上哺乳动物中迁徙距离最长的记录。Humpback whales hold the world's record for longest mammalian voyage.

人及哺乳动物的受精过程是一系列的复杂事件。Mammalian spermatozoa capacitation is a series of complicated events.

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巨蟒能将哺乳动物猎物和生态系统的生命挤出来。Big constrictors squeeze the life out of mammalian prey andecosystems.

蛋白质是关键Wnt哺乳动物大脑发育和功能。Wnt proteins are critical to mammalian brain development and function.

有大量的证据表明自暴自弃和绝望的情绪在哺乳类动物中是存在的。Resignation and despair are well documented in other mammalian species.

雪貂是另一种已知易受感染的哺乳类动物物种。Ferrets are another mammalian species known to be susceptible to infection.

也抑制大多数其他哺乳动物丝氨酸蛋白酶但速率低。Inhibits also most of other mammalian serine proteases but at a lower rate.

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TTF-1基因还对哺乳动物的繁殖性能有潜在的影响。Mammalian reproductive ability also can be influenced potentially by TTF-1.

本发明公开了基于纳米粒治疗哺乳动物个体的方法。A method of nanoparticle-based therapy for a mammalian subject is disclosed.

大部分哺乳动物细胞均含有多种依赖DNA的DNA聚合酶。Most mammalian cells contain multiple species of DNA dependent DNA polymerases.

最近一次这类会商是在2005年,目的是更新人类和哺乳动物的毒性当量因子。The last such consultation was held in 2005 to update human and mammalian TEFs.

比如无细胞体系,在细胞凋亡的应用中有不可取代的优越性。And the results were great in cell-free system of mammalian and botanical cells.

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精子在受精前必须获能,这是哺乳动物独具的特性。Sperm capacitation is an essential mature process before mammalian fertilization.

目的探讨冬凌草甲素对哺乳动物细胞DNA损伤的抑制作用。Objective To study the inhibition of Oridonin on DNA damage in the mammalian cells.

结论冬凌草甲素具有明显的抑制哺乳动物细胞DNA损伤的作用。Conclusion Oridonin has significant inhibition on DNA damage in the mammalian cells.