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你去过长江三峡吗?Have you been to the Yangtse Gorges?

长江怒吼势锋芒。The Yangtse River howls power cutting edge.

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赤壁在今湖北省蒲圻县西北长江南岸。Yangtse River, to the northeast of Chiayu Hupeh Province.

黄浦江、长江是一个钱不花的游泳池。The Whangpoo and the Yangtse are admission-free swimming-pools.

长江是中国的交通要道之一。The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China.

长江灌溉着两岸的大片农田。The Yangtse River irrigates vast stretches of farmland along its course.

秋季你们主力大约可以举行渡江作战。By autumn your main force will probably be fighting to cross the Yangtse.

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毗邻长江,拥卧东海之滨,位于长江入海口北岸的吕四港口。Being situated near Yangtse River and seashore of the East Ocean, DEKE Co.

武装起义的风暴震动了长江南北。The storm of armed struggle reverberates far beyond the banks of the Yangtse.

它最初出现于江南地区民间建筑中,进而逐渐为官式建筑吸纳采用。It firstly appeared in the folk buildings in the region south to Yangtse River.

在传统上,中国武术以长江为界划分为南北两大派。China is traditionally divided by the north and south by the great Yangtse River.

出生在中国的黄土高原陕西,生长在美丽的长江边。I was born in Shanxi Ocher Plateau and grow up beside the beautiful Yangtse River.

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从山上可以清楚地看到雄伟的南京长江大桥的全景。The hill commands an overall view of the magnificent Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge.

今天扬子晚报的头版图片是一个在南京雪中玩耍的女孩。The front photo of today's Yangtse Evening Post shows a girl playing in the snow in Nanjing.

长江三角洲经济一体化的基础和核心是市场一体化。The basis and core of the economic integration in the Yangtse Delta is the market integration.

长江是我国第一大河,是内河航运业的黄金通道。The Yangtse River, the longest river in china, is the golden waterway for river transportation.

随着城市化的加速发展,越来越多的土壤资源被侵占。More and more of the soil resources were occupied by the rapid urbanization in the Yangtse Delta.

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因而选用鳞片作为鉴定长江天鹅洲故道短颌鲚年龄的材料。So squama was selected to judge the age of C. brachynathus in Swan oxbow of the Yangtse River. 4.

公司地处长江三角洲经济发达地区——江苏省靖江市。The enterprise lies on developed area of the Yangtse Rivedr delta-Jinjiang city, Jiangsu province.

扬子江及黄河遇见沙漠、遇见山峡都是浩浩荡荡地往前流过去。And Yangtse as well as Yellow River can make it to come across deserts, valleies vastly and mightily.