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挂画沿着楼梯间。Hanging Pictures along a Stairwell.

每层楼梯间应安装应急灯。Emergency lights at every stairwell.

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当北楼坍塌时,位于世贸大厦楼梯井In stairwell when north tower collapsed

她疯狂地沿着楼梯井往下逃。She frantically fled down the stairwell.

突然,台阶处响起了一阵警报声。Suddenly, an alarm sounds in the stairwell.

凶犯趁机逃进了附近的一个楼梯间。The assailant fled down a nearby stairwell.

一天,李莉在楼梯间偶然碰到新拌进来的女孩。Lily runs into her in the stairwell one day.

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“我要杀了他!”查利吼着冲到楼梯井。I'll kill him! " Charley roared up the stairwell."

楼梯间旁边的黄门里有什么?What’s in the yellow door next to the green stairwell?

他们被警察队长汉金森发现了,但还是设法躲入了楼梯间里。They're spotted by Hutchinson, but manage to duck into a stairwell.

莱昂内尔指着那个泛着暗暗的光、用土做的楼梯。Lionel pointed to a gristly gray lighted stairwell made of out clay.

“楼梯间旁边的黄门里有什么?”茱莉亚问。“What's in the yellow door next to the green stairwell?” Julia asked.

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装饰灯着陆支柱和墙壁之间的楼梯灯。A decorative light pillar between landing and wall lights the stairwell.

各楼层通过在建筑一端增加的新楼梯间得以扩展。Floors were enlarged by adding a new stairwell at one end of the building.

土黄色给这个乡村风格的空间带来温暖的气息。Burnt-orange paint injects warmth into this country home's foyer and stairwell.

汉克和苏珊在一栋摩天大楼里工作。他们在楼梯间相遇。Hand and Susan work in a high-rise building. They run into each other in the stairwell.

那么如果有人在三楼楼梯间生病,那他就是我们应该照顾的人。If somebody was sick in the third floor stairwell that's who we would be talking about.

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开罗的罗达岛某个普通街角里藏着一座毫不起眼的公寓楼,楼下的入口一片狼藉,垃圾遍地,楼梯间阴暗而狭窄。The downstairs entrance is littered with rubbish, and the stairwell is dark and cramped.

我捡起我的书并跑着去找薇奇,她正在楼梯井等着我呢。I picked up my books and went running to Vickie, who was waiting for me at the stairwell.

我挣扎着向电梯间爬去,忽然左脚踝传来一阵剧烈的刺痛。As I struggled to crawl towards the stairwell I felt a sharp jabbing pain of my left ankle.