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其思想渊源是民主主义与尊重人权主义。Its ideological origins are democratism and the doctrine of respecting human rights.

卢梭的道德理想主义政治哲学从民主主义向民粹主义蜕变。Rousseau's ethical political philosophy of idealism changes in quality from democratism to populism.

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为由新民主主义逐步转变到社会主义阶段创造了条件。That provides condition for changing gradually from new democratism society to socialism in the future.

巴金思想中的无政府主义与革命民主主义是什么关系?What was the relationship between the anarchism in Ba Jin's thoughts and the revolutionary democratism?

王光祈是“五四”时期具有激进民主主义思想的社会活动家。Wang Guangqi was a postiue social activist of radical democratism during the May Fourth Mouement period.

1937年国民政府的土地政策,理论依据是孙中山的民生主义思想。The theory that the land policy of National Government in 1927-1937 based on is Sun Yat-sen's Democratism.

杜威教育哲学的核心是经验主义,其基本原则是实验主义和民主主义。The core of Dewey's philosophy of education is empiricism, and its basic principles are experimentalism and democratism.

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这些思想对新民主主义经济建设理论的丰富和完善作出了重大贡献。All these ideas contributed enormously to the enrichment and perfection of the theory of new democratism economy construction.

范鸿仙是南社社员中的杰出代表人物,他积极宣传资产阶级民主主义的革命主张,成为资产阶级民主主义革命舆论的旗手。He actively propagated the revolutionary advocation of the bourgeois democratism and turned out to be a standard-bearer of bourgeois-democratic revolution opinion.

中国的国务院制政府制度,是在马克思列宁主义理论指导下,总结新民主主义革命时期政权建设经验的基础上逐步形成的。Under the guidance of Maxism theory, Chinese government institution-State Council, forms on the basis of summing up the power construction lessons in the New Democratism period.

在思想上,军阀虽仍以封建思想为“体”,但也不乏对资产阶级的民主主义和民族主义加以利用的成分。To speak inwardly, although the warlords still regarded feudalism as their main thoughts, they had the sense of the composition of democratism and nationalism of the capitalist class.

目前,我国正致力于建设社会主义民主政治制度,但许多人仍有“清官情结”,将其所折射出的民本主义思想与民主主义思想混淆。Our country is applying herself to setting up the Democratic Political System of Socialism. However, many people have a incorruptible-official complex and confuse populism with democratism.

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目前,我国正致力于建设社会主义民主政治制度,但许多人仍有“清官情结”,将其所折射出的民本主义思想与民主主义思想混淆。Our country is applying herself to setting up the Democratic Political System of Socialism. However, many people hive a incorruptible-official complex and confuse populism with democratism.