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组蛋白就像是线轴The histones are kind of like the spool

该组蛋白是一种类似线轴。The histones are kind of like the spool.

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删除缓冲目录中未投递的邮件吗?Remove undelivered mails in spool directory?

阀芯为一只或多只流量控制筒。Spool for one or more flow control tube only.

把气球套在棉线轴的顶部。Stretch the balloon over the top of the spool.

我绕啊绕啊,但是纱锭一直是满满的。I reeled and reeled and the spool remained full.

在洞的上方把线圈轴粘到硬纸板上。Glue the spool to the cardboard on top of the hole.

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把线轴衬清理干净,弄干后涂一滴油。Dry spool bushing. Apply one drop of oil to bushing.

这就像你在把线缠绕到一个线轴上去。It's as if you were winding sewing thread on a spool.

立卷思想表现为一案一卷思想。Sign a thought performance as one case a spool of thought.

洞的大小要与棉线轴的洞的大小一致。The hole should be the same size as the hole in the spool.

一种棘齿装置把线从线轴转到梭心上。A ratchet mechanism transfers the thread from spool to bobbin.

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一团,两团,三团,纱锭还是满的。One skein, two skeins, three skeins, and still the spool was full.

请你考虑地板上有一千个钮扣和一轴红色的线。Consider a thousand buttons on the floor and a spool of red thread.

请勿操作和阀芯下满负荷连续超过一分钟。Don't operate and spool under full load over one minute continuously.

测量阀孔和阀芯的配合间隙,阀孔直径为50?Measuring valve spool with holes and gaps, valve hole diameter is 50?

这些阀门包含两个线圈、一个阀体和阀芯总成。These valves contain two coils and one valve body and spool assembly.

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气动球阀的工作原理是靠旋转阀芯来使阀门畅通或闭塞。Pneumatic valve works by rotating the valve spool to flow or occlusion.

高精度研磨的合金球型阀芯、阀座、密封性能好。High accuracy grinding alloy ball spool and valve seat, sealed well function.

在使用侧向退绕时,有边筒子必须回转以便于纱线的退绕。In side withdrawal, the spool must rotate in order for the yarn to BE removed.