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他是一个老好人,善于克制自我、隐忍无奈。He was a good man , but always forebear his wrath and complaint.

它比它的先祖75要大多了,或许可以说它是75的超大版本。It's much larger than its 75 forebear . Perhaps it could be the 75 OS.

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他知道自己很安全,但是,他还是“不可抑制地发抖”。He knows himself to be perfectly secure, but, still, he "cannot forebear trembling.

旧约中,雅各之子,而且是以色列某一部落的祖先。In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.

祖先甚至可以教我们一些有助于生活的古老窍门。Our forebear might even teach us a few old tricks that could be used to help the living.

想想贫困的人比我们节俭多少,他们忍受困境比我们强多少。Consider how much more frugal the poor are than we, how much better they forebear hardship.

在西元一百零五年左右,朝廷的一位官员制造出今日世上不可或缺产品的前身。In about A. D. 105, an official in the imperial court produced the forebear of what has become today the world's most indispensable product.

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在公元一百零五年左右,朝廷的一位官员制造出今日世上最不可或缺产品的前身。In about A. D. 105, an official in the imperial court produced the forebear of what has become today the world's most indispensable product.

中亚伯拉罕之子,在以撒出生后被弃。他传统上被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先。In the Old Testament, the son of Abraham who was cast out after the birth of Isaac. He is traditionally considered to be the forebear of the Arabs.

而此研究设计里系利用前人的智慧与寓言里所诞生出的种种手工艺之原件将文化艺术流行化,但也不失其寓意。This study refers to the hand-make design art pieces from the forebear 's wisdom and fable and convert the art design into fashion but obtains the meaning of the fable.

欧亚大陆上的环境变得乾冷,森林给疏林与草原取代了,非洲猿与人类的祖先因而南迁。THE EURASIAN FOREBEAR of African apes and humans moved south in response to a drying and cooling of its environs that led to the replacement of forests with woodlands and grasslands.

讨论了日本梨与中国梨的亲缘关系,支持前人关于“日本现在栽培梨品种的祖先是从古代中国大陆和朝鲜半岛传到日本的”的结论。The relationship of Japanese pear and Chinese pear were discussed, and agree with the conclusion of "the forebear of Japanesecultivated pear cames from ancient China and Korean peninsula".

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就是现在Linux,它运行起来与Unix几乎一模一样并且可以运行同样的自由和开源软件,而且已经证明与Unix之间不存在知识产权冲突。The result was Linux, which worked nearly the same as its forebear and could run the same free and open-source software, but had been purged of conflicts with Unix's intellectual property rights.