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我们将把广告贴在墙上。We'll placard the wall with advertisements.

“是否合理”并非是评判宣传标语好坏的标准。“Sensible” is not the criterion for a placard.

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适用于各种挂勾,海报看报的粘合固定。Suitable for fastening all kinds of hook and placard.

标语牌上写着“该浇灌自由之树了!”The placard read "it is time to water the tree of liberty!

有误帖存放处,提醒大家注意。The errors placard depository, reminds under everybody attention.

前几天,我并没有在议会广场看到全球暖化的标语。I didn't see one global warming placard in Parliament Square the other day.

用精彩的帖文给人最深刻的印象,难道还怕没人来吗?!With splendid placard Wen Geiren did the most profound impression, also fear that nobody comes?!

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诺德斯特龙是一家拥有14个放映屏幕的剧院,是该购物餐饮中心的招牌店。Nord sandhust dragon is a has 14 projected screen theatre, is the shopping center placard shop catering.

晚春正午的厕所,天上是一轮圆月,门上是一个招牌,一个男人正在建筑。The toilet of late spring noon, the sky is a circle month, a placard on the door, a men are constructing.

到了一个买工地警示牌的店里,我买了一个“高压,危险!”Into a shop selling warning signs for construction sites, where I bought a “Danger! High voltage!” placard.

只要二少爷好好的读书,有金榜提名的那一天,就有了条路。Only two young masters thoroughly study, there is gold placard the nomination of that day of, had the road.

“郑锦记”是一家老字号餐厅,看名字就知道,这家店的招牌饭就是牛肉饭。"Zheng Jinji" is a grand old restaurant. From its name, we can see placard rice of this snack is beef rice.

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一道光柱射在艾咪的海报上,艾咪走下来,原来是T星球上的冰儿来到了地球。A smooth column shoots the placard in Ai Mi, ai Mi goes, it is the ice on T heavenly body so come to the earth.

肖然自然注意到子衿的目光和往常不同,不禁有些小得意。Xiao however placard the vision of son Jin naturally and usually different, can not help a morsel small satisfied.

菲律宾马尼拉一所日托中心的孩童在窗口秀出一张写著「释放杜卡特」的标语。Children display a placard that reads 'Free Jun Ducat' from a window at a day care center in Manila March 29, 2007.

最初,跟帖者对六名警察的行为多有痛斥之语,而对死者则抱以同情。At first, has with the placard to six police's behaviors denounces severely the language, but hugs to the dead sympathizes.

四月上午的火葬场,天上有几架飞机,门上是一个招牌,一男一女正在藏纸条。The crematory in April morning, there are a few airplanes in sky, is a placard on the door, an man one petticoat is hiding note.

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在鲁淮成的安排下郑远海报考了舰艇学院研究生。Placard of the Zhengyuan below the arrangement that becomes in Lu Huai took an examination of graduate student of naval ships college.

有一家管理非常好的黎族博物馆──有个广告牌上称他们为“活化石”──展出黎族的陶器、手工枪械以及其他手工制品。A well-organized museum about the Li -- a placard calls them 'a living fossil' -- displays pottery, hand-made guns and other artifacts.

亚德里恩已经打开琴室的大门,却注意到许久没有跟上来的茉儿。The second Delhi boon has yet opened the front gate of piano room, but takes placard of for a long time don't reserve up with of Mo son.