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对,那个倔强任性的孩子就是我!Right, that stubborn willfulness of a child is me!

自从那次任性的旅行后,我再也没有远行过。Since that willfulness travel, I never taught over.

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总是任性德让两个人无声德在一起。Always willfulness Tak Tak silent for two people together.

从前只是一次又一次任性的说自己是羡慕。Previously only the time and again that he is willfulness envy.

飞奔而过的不安与任性、欣赏你给的疼痛。The run-off and disturbed by the willfulness , to appreciate your pain.

我任性地说,我好像更愿意现在的爸爸是一个已经与世长辞的爸爸。I willfulness that I seemed more willing to now the father is a father has passed away.

固执算丆算任性旳要求,付岀乜可能看丆到结果。Be regarded as stubborn willfulness requirement of pay may also fail to see theresults of.

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在某些人面前乖乖女,在某些人面前很坏很野蛮很任性。In some obediently in front of women, in the face of some very bad very brutal willfulness.

但是迈克尔已经二十一岁了,没有什么可以让他逆着他自己的意愿行事。But Michael was twenty-one years of age and nothing could be done against his own willfulness.

只有懒惰与任性,才能使一个人自甘暴弃的在“趣味”的掩护之下败退。Only the laziness and willfulness will make people have no ambition at all with the mask of the doctrine of interest.

幸福,是尖尖的小刺。不小心扎伤手指。也许我才是仙人掌,在你的包容下任性。Happiness, is the small pointed thorn. Careless finger pricks. Perhaps I is the cactus, in your inclusive of willfulness.

我希望我回来的时候我可以说“我回来了”,因为我希望这个地方仍可以允许我任性的停留。I hope I can come back when I said, "I came back, " because I hope that this place can still allow me to stay willfulness.

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世人专横任性,既粗暴又残酷,以致伤害了无数的人,基督的温柔是世人极需要的良方。His gentleness is a desperately needed antidote to the harsh and cruel willfulness that leaves so many wounded in its wake.

由于高铬合金任性较差,在没有锤架支撑的情况下容易发生断裂。Because of high chromium alloy willfulness is poorer, in no hammer under the condition of skid support to happening ruptures.

任性是非常尖锐的性格,但是要通情达理才会有个性,希望我认识的朋友是个通情达理的人,有一颗善良的心,有一颗真挚的心!Willfulness is a very intense character, but common sense should be a character, I hope I know a friend is a reasonable person, a good heart and a sincere heart!

固执算不算任性的要求,付出也可能看不到结果,沉默算不算任性的要求,人总是不能太容易冲动!Stubborn willfulness requirements amount to pay also may not see a result, be considered willful silence of the requirements were not always too easy for impulse!

即使那些一意孤行的举动都不会构成罪,也不会造成分裂感,更不会产生出羞耻心与罪恶感,或甚至要你付出代价的处罚。And any acts of willfulness have not constituted a sin and cannot cause a sense of separation , and do not create shame , guilt , or the necessity of a penalty being paid.

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相信很多自助游的旅行者之所以不喜欢跟随打着彩色旗子的旅行团,要的就是这一份率性而为和随意浪漫。I believe that the reason why do-it-yourself travellers would not choose to follow a tour group raising a colored flag is that they just want some willfulness , freedom and romance.

当愤怒的恶者残酷地把耶稣钉死在十架上,他们不经意地成就上帝预定的奇妙计划。When in their wrath the wicked crucified the Son of God they were unwittingly fulfilling the divine purpose, and in a thousand cases the willfulness of the ungodly is doing the same.