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肺癌合并乳糜胸水临床上并不常见。Lung cancer with complicating chylothorax is a rare clinical condition.

早期查觉乳糜胸迳行治疗,使得病人早日康复。Early detection and treatment of a chylothorax can result the patient having an early recovery.

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一般而言,肝硬化并发乳糜胸通常是难以处理且预后不佳。Generally, chylothorax secondary to liver cirrhosis is hard to manage and the prognosis is poor.

乳糜性胸水确诊后经保守治疗和再开胸行胸导管结扎术后均治愈。After conservative treatment and reoperation of ligation of thoracic duct, all of the chylothorax were cured.

方法通过9例不同开胸手术后继发乳糜胸的病例进行分析总结。Methods It was clinically analysed and concluded that 9 cases of chylothorax after different thoracic operation.

目的寻找减少或消除食管癌切除术后乳糜胸发生率的有效方法。Objective To find out a good method to reduce or eliminate the chylothorax after resection of esophageal carcinoma.

目的探讨食管肿瘤术后乳糜胸的诊断、治疗和预防。Objective To study the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chylothorax following resection of oesophageal tumor.

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方法回顾性分析6例肺癌术后并发乳糜胸患者的临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 6 patients with lung cancer who had postoperative chylothorax were analyzed retrospectively.

目的探讨一种简单、有效的预防食管癌切除术后乳糜胸的方法。Objective To explore a simpler and more efficient method to prevent postoperative chylothorax of the esophageal cancer.

医疗管理与小剂量肝素,潘生丁,阿司匹林导致改善头部肿胀和乳糜胸。Medical management with low-dose heparin, dipyridamole, and aspirin resulted in improvements of head swelling and chylothorax.

本文特就新生儿乳糜胸的临床所见,诊断与治疗,参考文献,提出报告。In this communication the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal chylothorax are reviewed and discussed.

乳糜胸的鑑别诊断中必须将混合性结缔组织疾病纳入考虑。Herein, we report a case of MCTD presenting with chylothorax , which should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chylothorax.

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目的通过对临床病例的分析,探讨食管癌术后并发乳糜胸的原因、诊断、治疗和预防方法。Objective To discuss the cause, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postoperative chylothorax in esophageal cancer through the clinical analysis.

此病患成功地以利尿剂治疗且合并低钠饮食的控制下,经一年的追踪,乳糜胸并未再发生。Our patient was successfully treated with diuretics, and the chylothorax did not recur during the following 12 months under a sodium-restricted diet.

食管癌切除,术中作预防性胸导管结扎,可减少乳糜胸的发生率。Preventive surgical ligation of thoracic duct during the course of esophageal carcinoma resection can reduce the incidence of postoperative chylothorax.

结论顺铂水针剂胸腔灌注治疗胸部外科术后乳糜胸具有安全、有效、简单、无痛苦的特点,值得临床推广应用。Conclusion The infusion of cisplatin for chylothorax treating is an alternative therapy with good effect, safety, simple procedure and less complication.

膈上水平胸导管结扎对治疗和预防食管癌术后乳糜胸疗效确切。The efficacy of ligation of the thoracic duct above the diaphrenic level for treatment prevention of postoperative chylothorax is definitive and accurate.

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方法回顾分析食管癌术后并发乳糜胸的手术与非手术治疗结果。Methods The surgical and non-surgical outcomes of chylothorax following esophagectomy in 4126 cases of esophageal carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed.

术中胸导管预防结扎不能有效降低乳糜胸发生率,因此不主张常规预防结扎胸导管。Preventive ligation of thoracic duct in operation does not decrease chylothorax incidence and therefore routine ligation of thoracic duct is not recommended.

小肠分化程度高,其粘膜富有绒毛、血管、淋巴和乳糜管,加强了对营养物质的吸收作用。Intestinal a high degree of differentiation, the mucosa rich villi, blood vessels, lymph and the chylothorax , strengthening the role of the absorption of nutrients.