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那是一个方法。That's a recipe.

他说“他有一个秘诀。”We have a recipe.

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使用好的食谱。Get a good recipe.

我有祖传的秘方。I have a secret recipe.

我想试一个新的烹饪法。I want to try a new recipe.

我得向你要点烹饪秘诀。I’ll have to get your recipe.

这是造成失败的灾星!This is a recipe for disaster!

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你从哪儿弄来那张食谱的?。Where did you get that recipe?

好,秘诀来了。Okay, and now comes the recipe.

这是灾难性的秘诀。This can be a disastrous recipe.

本配方可做4-5贴膏药。This recipe makes 4 to 5 plasters.

他的计划后患无穷。His plans are a recipe for disaster.

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我认为那必定带来灾难。I think that's a recipe for disaster.

这是一个预览肌肤的良方。This is a preview of Focaccia recipe.

他传授了非常好的糕饼制法。He gives a very good recipe for cakes.

这份食谱将会教你如何制作12只迷你小泡芙。The recipe will make 12 mini popovers.

这个食谱是保持健康心脏的奇迹!This recipe is a cardio-health wonder!

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注意,本食谱不适用于减肥者。Beware, this recipe is not for slimmers.

这份食谱是几人份的。How many servings does this recipe make?

我在做那道菜时加了点肉桂。I added a bit of cinnamon to the recipe.