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也听到塞壬的笛音。And heard the song of siren.

据说她是个妖艳女人。It is said that she is a siren.

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那听起来像是空袭警报。It sounds like an air raid siren.

听起来象救护车的警笛。It sounds like an ambulance siren.

警笛的空隙,老不死的命运。The siren voids, old fool's destiny.

但是,在二中,女海妖是比较好。But, of the two, Siren was the better.

救护车汽笛声让我汗毛直竖。The ambulance siren made my skin crawl.

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我饮的妖女眼泪的毒剂What potions have I drunk of Siren tears

知道了。听起来象救护车的警笛。I know. It sounds like an ambulance siren.

她在早期电影中扮演妖冶的女人。She played the siren in many early movies.

远远传来了警笛的啸声。Has transmitted the police siren howl by far.

一辆汽车响着警报器从我的身边飞驰而去。A car highballed passing me with ringing siren.

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空袭警报在整个城镇中尖叫。The air-raid siren screamed through the whole town.

而齐妮亚镇甚至没有警报器。The town of Xenia didn't even have a warning siren.

克瑞托斯发现并且消灭了第三个也是最后一个塞壬。Kratos finds and destroys the third and final Siren.

仇敌雇用了一名红发美女作奸细。The enemy employed a red-hvastcasted siren as a spy.

警报器在早晨的冷空气里尖厉地呼啸著。The siren wailed piercingly in the cold morning air.

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同时升起了白鲨旗并按响了报警器。The white shark flag was raised and the siren set off.

时髦奢华的阿比让已成为西非纸醉金迷的迷魂窟。Chic flash abidjan has become the siren of west africa.

听到警笛声时,立即靠边停车。Pull over to the side of the road when you hear a siren.