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淡菜,即贻贝肉,水产品。Mussel is mussel meat, which is aquatic products.

然后让保罗选择打开其中一个箱子来获得贻贝。Paul is then left to choose one box to open to retrieve the mussel.

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科学家们向水中投入贻贝,来观察食人鱼是如何争夺食物的。They then placed a mussel in to see how the fish competed for food.

要保证熟读有关收集斑马贻贝数据的说明。Be sure the Information about the collection of the zebra mussel data.

贵州福泉蛤蚌河的门票是好多?How many is Guizhou Fukuizumi clam freshwater mussel river entrance ticket?

要保证熟读有关收集斑马贻贝数据的说明。Be sure to review the Information about the collection of the zebra mussel data.

淡菜脆嫩鲜香,包汁入味,是温州沿海的传统佳肴。Mussel crisp delicious, packet sauce tasty, traditional cuisine of coastal Wenzhou.

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河蚌受到突然袭击,叭地一声合上了蚌壳,像钳子般狠狠地夹住了鹬嘴。Taken by surprise, the mussel clamped the bird's bill fast with his shell like pincers.

新西兰绿影响唇贻贝补充剂进行了研究与办公的人。The effects of New Zealand green-lipped mussel supplements have been studied in people with OA.

海星通过嘴部把胃翻了出来,它正从外部消化这只贻贝。Pisaster has everted its stomach out through its mouth, and it'sdigesting the mussel externally.

探讨贻贝多糖对小鼠酒精性肝损伤的保护作用。To investigate the protective effect of mussel polysaccharide on alcoholic hepatic injury in mice.

蛤和贻贝的贝壳在他们的胃里面慢慢的过滤出钙,这些过滤出来的钙就慢慢的转变成蛋壳。The clam and mussel shells in their stomachs slowly leach calcium which is then used to form eggshells.

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应用响应面回归分析的方法评价了不同磷酸盐对贻贝感官质量的影响。The response surface method was used to evaluate the effects of phosphates on the mussel sensory quality.

艳阳高照,一只河蚌爬上岸,舒舒服服地躺在那里,张开蚌壳晒太阳。In the shining sun, a mussel crawled onto the beach lying there comfortably with its shell open to the sun.

近年来在海洋软体动物贻贝中发现了新的抗菌肽家族。The existence and extended diversity of antimicrobial peptides has been revealed in mussel in recent years.

了解如何在这个自由烹饪清洁视频与专家本贻贝贻贝烹饪技巧食谱。Learn how to clean the mussels for this Blue Mussel recipe with expert cooking tips in this free cooking video.

经分析检测,在-18℃下冻藏6个月后,冷冻调理贻贝仍符合卫生质量要求。The frozen precooked mussel were still matched up the quality criterions after 6 months deep freezing under -18℃.

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保罗的成名,在于它赛前能够准确地从2个箱子中,取出贴有获胜方国旗的贻贝。Paul made his name by successfully choosing a mussel from one of two boxes bearing the flags of competing nations.

居住在热带地区的人普遍采用老椰子壳和贻贝壳。To those people who resided within the tropical zones old coconut shells and mussel shells were commonly employed.

蚌病成珠是因为它经历了一个痛苦的过程,商人成名也历经了坎坷。Pearl mussel disease because it went through a painful process, become famous businessman also experienced a bumpy.