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谋杀违反了定言命令。Murder violates the categorical imperative.

确切说,这不算绝对的否定。That's not a categorical objection exactly.

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它正是安排范畴顺序的总纲。It is the general principle to arrange the categorical sequence.

他犹豫不决,无法劝他持明确的态度。He has gone wiggle-waggle and cannot be persuaded to categorical.

标本的分类排列需要展示给访问者看。A categorical arrangement of specimens is needed to show the visitors.

这虚假的承诺与定言命令一致吗?Is that consistent with the categorical imperative, that false promise?

从而对比了后果主义与绝对主义道德原则之间的差别。So we contrasted consequentialist moral principles with categorical ones.

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文件将这一回避性的否认称之为‘防卫策略’。The documents refer to a "defensive strategy" based on "categorical denial".

在这里,范畴形式、事态等都成了自身给予性。Here, categorical factors, states of affairs, etc. all belong to self-givenness.

同时使用卡方分析比较分类变量。Simultaneously, categorical variables were compared with use of chi-square analysis.

确定范畴系统的逻辑起点,是构造科学的范畴系统的关键。Determining the logical starting-point is the key to construct the categorical system.

有一条偶尔模糊但是比较明确的分界线将失败国家分为两类。A categorical divide, albeit a sometimes blurry one, separates two classes of failed states.

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通常可用双重抽样的方法来估计误分类的概率。In general, double sampling technique is useful to analyze the misclassified categorical data.

虽然都是整型值,关联规则挖掘要求值是无条件的。Although the values are numeric, association rules mining requires the values to be categorical.

首先研究在类别空间关系判断任务中,注意的提示效应是否存在。At first, we study the cueing effect of attention in the categorical spatial relation judgment mission.

它们的命名经常被结合起来,一个六个碳原子的醛糖被称为已醛糖。The categorical names are often combined, with a six-carbon-atom aldehyde sugar being termed an aldohexose.

康德所指的格准是什么意思?定言律令和假言律令之间的区别?What does Kant mean by a maxim? What is the difference between a categorical and a hypothetical imperative?

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由于整型字段实际上是整数,您可以将它们重新定义为无条件的,这样挖掘就会工作了。Because the numeric fields are really integers, you can re-type them as categorical and the mining will work.

如果发现这一个规则是实践上正确的,是一条法则,因为这是一条无条件的命令。If now it is found that this rule is practically right, then it is a law, because it is a categorical imperative.

康德的义务倫理学的一个重要强调,就是他对无上命令普遍有效性的坚持。One emphasis of Kant's deontological ethics is his insistence on the universal validity of categorical imperative.