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兴见到你,豪格先生。Pleased to mee you, Mr. Hogg.

很愉快见到你,豪格西席。Pleased to meet you, Mr Hogg.

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这是我的同事,豪格先生,大卫?豪格。This is my colleague Mr Hogg, David Hogg.

乔治·何克1927年至1934年就读于圣乔治中学。George Hogg studied at St. George's V. A. School from 1927 to 1934.

BBC驻甘肃记者克利斯侯称预计将有为期三天的降雨期。The BBC's Chris Hogg in Gansu says three days of torrential rain are due.

他们了解到何克在中国广受喜爱和尊重,对此深感自豪。They were proud to learn that Hogg was widely loved and respected in China.

由于不幸染上疾病,年仅30岁的何克在山丹去世。Unfortunately, due to diseases, Hogg died in Shandan at the age of just 30.

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摄影师乔斯林贝恩霍格和伦敦东区的犯罪份子一起度过的日子。Photographer Jocelyn Bain Hogg spent time with criminals from London's East End.

托马斯说,使馆举办的招待会为“何克周”活动划上了圆满的句号。Thomas said that the reception marked a successful ending of the "George Hogg Week" event.

何克先生谱写的中英友好传奇像种子一样深深地埋在他们的心田。The stories of Mr. Hogg and the legend of China-UK friendship have been deeply rooted in their hearts.

新西兰友人路易·艾黎是何克挚友,去世后与何克合葬在山丹。Zealander Rewi Alley was a bosom friend of Hogg and was buried after death in Shandan together with Hogg.

她亲自监管把自己的别墅改造成博物馆。她收藏的其它艺术品也捐给美术馆。Miss Hogg also collected other types of artwork besides American furniture, which she donated to MFAH as well.

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丁利表示,她曾经去过山丹,深为当地人民纪念何克的热情所感动。Dingley said that she had been to Shandan and was deeply touched by the local people's enthusiasm in commemorating Hogg.

我们永远不会忘记像何克这样为帮助中国人民抗击法西斯做出宝贵贡献的外国友人。The Chinese people will never forget George Hogg and foreign friends like him who contributed so much to such a worthy cause.

八路军总部博物馆至今还保留着何克生前使用过的打字机和何克与中国军民在一起的珍贵照片,何克在陕西的故居也保存完好,何克将永远活在他和他的家人及中国人民的记忆中。Hogg's residence in Shaanxi is also well-preserved. Hogg will live forever in the memories of him, his family and the Chinese people.

英国广播公司的克里斯霍格说,这个计划是使用直升机“水炸弹”周五再次企图降温核电厂。The BBC's Chris Hogg says the plan is to use the helicopter "water-bombing" again on Friday in an attempt to cool down the nuclear plant.

何克用生命所谱写的中英友谊没有随着岁月的流逝而消褪,而是历久弥新,薪火相传。The chapter of friendship between China and the UK written by Hogg with his life has not been lost. Instead, it has been passed on to a new generation.

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鲍比•霍格先生去世时,克罗马蒂渔民方言也和他一起消逝了,作为一种被流利使用的母语,它已不复存在。WBobby Hogg took the Cromarty fisherfolk dialect out of existence with him when he died, at least as a fluently spoken mother tongue, and the media took notice.

何克曾撰写了大量深刻揭露日本侵略战争给中国人民造成深重灾难的文章,并与八路军将领建立了深厚的友谊。Hogg wrote a large number of articles that exposed the crimes of the Japanese agressors and established a deep friendship with officers of the Eighth Route Army.

何克的中国养子聂广涛在讲话中动情地说,何克将一生最美好的时光奉献给了中国人民,对此中国人民始终铭记在心。Hogg's Chinese adopted son Nie Guangtao said in his remarks that Hogg devoted the best time of his life to the Chinese people and the Chinese people would always remember him.