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让生物圈消亡去吧。Let the Biosphere die.

人工圈支持着生物圈。The technosphere supports the biosphere.

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这样一个生态圈保护区有26层楼和50000名职员。One such biosphere has 26 stories and a staff of 50,000.

我们正在以工业污染毒化生物圈。We are poisoning the biosphere with industrial pollution.

技术手段已经变得比生物圈更为多样化。Technology has come to be more diverse than the biosphere.

温特说,生物圈2号的另一个重要影响是它的社会性。Another important effect of Biosphere 2 is social, said Winters.

人们不断地对整个外星生物圈的结构与工作进行想象。Imagine beholding the interworking of an entire alien biosphere.

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鲁伊斯说,“这个生物圈让你能够在两组数据之间进行衡量。”The biosphere allows you to scale between those two sets of data.

他说,“比如现在你有一个完全由人类改变的生物圈。You now have a biosphere that’s completely transformed by people.

生物圈由生命有机体及其生存的环境组成。Biosphere is composed of the living organisms and their environment.

大气圈、水圈、生物圈和地圈的整体及其相互作用。The totality of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

高黎贡山被联合国教科文组织批准授予“世界生物圈保护区”。Mount Gaoligong has been named by UNESCO as a "World Biosphere Reserve".

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拉马克凭直觉推演生物圈,而且具有先见之明。Lamarck made an intuitive guess about the biosphere and again was prescient.

生物繁殖领域的所有现象,无例外的普遍具有否定之否定的一般性质。Any phenomenon in biosphere has the univeristy of "the negation of negation".

这些水存在的全部区域称为地下生物圈。The overall region where this water exists is called the subsurface biosphere.

当然,在这间屋子里的人都在生态圈1里,我还曾在生态圈2里生活过。Cause we all here in this room live in Biosphere 1. I've also lived in Biosphere 2.

植物在生物圈的物质循环和能流中处于最关键的地位。Plants are of fundamental importance to matter cycling and energy flow in biosphere.

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无论我们摔得有多惨重,我们仍能恢复到再给生物圈来一次重击。However hard we fall, we will recover sufficiently to land another hammer blow on the biosphere.

我们整个人类物种都是人类圈的共同创造者,是生物圈年轻一代的子孙。We, the whole human species, are co-creating the Homosphere, the younger sibling of the Biosphere.

生物圈佔领生活大气、地球水面和岩石圈的那些部分。The biosphere occupies those parts of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere where life is found.