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按照屏幕上的卸载步骤。Follow the on-screen uninstall instructions.

此步骤可以卸载旧应用程序。This step can uninstall the old application.

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如果存在以前版本的话就将其卸载掉Uninstall the previous version, if it exists

首先,小心的卸载所有先前发布的相应软件和模块Carefully Uninstall any Pre-release Bits First

卸载并重新安装应用程序。Uninstall and then re-install the application.

卸载掉让你上瘾的购物应用程序Uninstall shopping apps that you are hooked on

按卸载屏幕上的每条指令来执行。Continue as per the instructions on the uninstall screen.

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你所能做的就是删除你接收到的补丁。All you can do is uninstall the updates you have received.

卸载过程将删除模块积累的所有数据。Uninstall removes all the data the module had accumulated.

它具有非常强大的功能来卸载和删除程序。It has very powerful features to uninstall and remove programs.

安装和卸载桌面图标、图标资源和菜单项Install and uninstall desktop icons, icon resources, and menu items

如果你是打补丁,您需要卸载以前的版本。If you are patching, you'll need to uninstall your previous version.

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之后,可以在任何时候安装或者卸载所选择的组件。You can then install or uninstall the selected components at any time.

轻松卸载是一款简单、方便、快速的程序卸载工具。Easy Uninstaller is a simple, convenient, prompt program uninstall tool.

仍然有很多软件是没有卸装程序的。There is still a lot of software that comes without an uninstall program.

要清除无用设备驱动程序,右击图标,从弹出的菜单中选图标无用程序择“卸载”。To remove an unused device driver, right-click the icon and select Uninstall.

通常因为软件用得很郁闷,在微软操作系统下卸载掉。To uninstall software from a Microsoft operating system, usually in frustration.

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您还可以启动、停止和卸载现有的应用程序、连接器等等。You can also start, stop, and uninstall existing applications, connectors, and so on.

如果引起用户不满,他可能就会决定退出并删除这个应用程序。The user might then decide to quit your application and uninstall it if they are unhappy.

因此你得卸载一切不必要的操作系统组件及应用。You should therefore uninstall any unnecessary operating system components and applications.