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这是一盏长明灯。It was a continuous light.

什么是持续集成?What is continuous integration?

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连续服药或延长月经周期。Continuous dosing or extended cycle.

需求抽取是连续的。Requirements elicitation is continuous.

在一条连续的人生旅途上贯彻你的理想。Run your thought in a continuous train.

连绵的阴雨天,让人觉得心烦。Continuous rainy days make people upset.

确定生成连拍图吗?。Determine the generation Continuous map?

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我们这里连续三周下雨不停。Weve had three weeks of continuous rain.

我所说的连续部署是什么意思?What do I mean by continuous deployment?

持续不断的恐惧,会剥夺你的喜乐。Continuous fear will rob you of your joy.

连续耕作使土壤变得贫瘠。Continuous farming impoverishes the soil.

他不停地给他们喝威士忌。He lubricated them with continuous whiskey.

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掉包是一个漫长循环的过程。The switch is one long continuous movement.

一连串的精美的雪粒雨。A continuous shower of the finest snow-dust.

大厅运用了连续的木屏底纹。A continuous wood screen shades the lobbies.

CPAP是指持续气道正压。CPAP is continuous positive airway pressure.

金胆片能长时间不间断服用?Jindan continuous film can take a long time?

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通过应继续不停和迅速进行。Passage shall be continuous and expeditious.

生产废品率的降低和持续改善。Reduction of S&D and continuous improvement.

绵亘不断的细雨,勾起我对你的挂念。The continuous rain , recmy missing for you.