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他一脸苦相,表示怀疑。He made a grimace of disbelief.

奥德丽怀疑地看着我。Audrey looked at me in disbelief.

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他难以置信的望着他的手。He looked at his hand in disbelief.

我直盯盯地看着他,根本不相信。I stared at him in complete disbelief.

库马思一脸苦相,表示怀疑。Kugelmass made a grimace of disbelief.

我相信我是有点义愤填膺了。I am utterly outraged and in disbelief.

杰夫回到家,为被怀疑而茫然若失。Jeff returned home numb with disbelief.

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比恩一家人难以置信地盯着他们。Bean's family looked at them in disbelief.

她睁大眼睛假装不相信。She opened her eyes wide in mock disbelief.

那个女人礼貌的隐藏了她的怀疑。The woman's politeness hides her disbelief.

她铁青着脸,用难以置信的神情看着他。She stared back at him with livid disbelief.

“那件大红裙不见了,”她以一种难以置信的语气说到。"That big red dress is gone, " she said in disbelief.

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难以置信和感激的泪水从我脸上滚下来。Tears of disbelief and appreciation rolled down my face.

但仍停留在一个由愤怒和怀疑混合而成的琥珀里。She was suspended in an amber matrix of anger and disbelief.

还有一些人对这一切发生的速度赶到难以置信”。There is some disbelief at the speed at which this happened.

多年来的怀疑不信任感已随暴风雪的消失而消失。Years of doubt and disbelief vanished like the passing storm.

但妙泉却一点没变,她用难以置信的口气说道。But Miaoquan hasn't changed at all, she says with a note of disbelief.

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如果您还不相信这一点,那么阅读这篇文章算对了。If you're in disbelief at this point, you're reading the right article.

每个人的目光都聚焦在我身上,或倒吸了一口气或呈现出不信任。Everyone in the room turned to look at me, either gasping or in disbelief.

他将电话筒从耳边拿开,脸上显出一种不相信和厌恶的表情。He moves the phone away from his face in a combination of disbelief and disgust.