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小学生也能脱口而出高考题!Even primary students can blurt out Gaokao sentences!

而现在,人们却把愤怒散布到电子媒体之中。Now, people get angry and blurt things out electronically.

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对于我们大部分人来说,最后时刻一临场,自己话就冲口而出。Most of us, when we finally get the floor, just blurt it out.

脱口而出100句英语,你可以在美国生活。If you can blurt out 100 sentences, you can survive in America.

你会发现你终能将它们都脱口而出。You will find yourself able to blurt them out at the right time.

脱口而出300句英语,你可以在美国工作。If you can blurt out 300 sentences, you can make a living in America.

脱口而出2000句英语,你可以竞选美国总统!If you can blurt out 2000 sentences, you can run for American President.

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下次当你感到沮丧时,那就试着将这些肯定人生的言辞脱口而出吧!The next time you are feeling down try to blurt out these life-affirming words.

脱口而出1000句英语,你可以在美国教英文和中文。If you can blurt out 1000 sentences, you can teach English and Chinese in America.

当他说话的时候,通常是随口说的几个不相关的词组。When he speaks, it is often to blurt out some phrase that hasno apparent relevance.

脱口而出500句英语,你可以成为成功的国际商人。If you can blurt out 500 sentences, you can be a successful international businessman.

之后突然之间你和朋友同时脱口而出完全相同的一串词语。Thenall of the sudden you and your friend blurt out the same exact set of wordssimultaneously.

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她俩用简单的旋律和歌词谱写了这首歌,连三岁的小孩儿都能脱口而出。She both melody and lyrics with a simple write the song, and even year-old child can blurt out.

可是说完之后,又对先前脱口说出的话懊恼不已。But after finishing saying, again to displeased the words that blurt in times before not already.

很久以前,产生愤怒和表达愤怒还是一件很奢侈的事情。The reality is that a long time ago, we had the luxury of being able to get angry and blurt things out.

不管做什么都好,就是不要立即回复,因为你可能脱口而出情绪性的谩骂,这无疑是在添油加醋。Whatever you do, do not respond right away. You could blurt out emotional slurs and add fuel to the fire.

爱在纵容。一切肉麻情话冲口而出随心而发真摰自然,真幸福。Love is indulgent. One is happy when one may just blurt out any amorous sentiments that are fulsome but true.

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只有练到1188遍,你才能真正做到在任何时间、任何地点、向任何人脱口而出任何英语句子!Only after practicing 1188 times can you blurt out any English sentences to anybody at any time and any place !

即使你所说的话的恶心程度还比不上一个老鼠成灾的办公室,美国人也会脱口而出这个句子。Even if what you describe is less disgusting than a rat-infested office, Americans will blurt out this sentence willingly.

与之类似的,虽然试着不去想起某个特定的单词,但在快速的单词联想测试中,人们却不断的将其脱口而出。Likewise, people trying not to think of a specific word continually blurt it out during rapid-fire word-association tests.