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近代沉积史看来就是过去沉积史的重演。Recent history of sedimentation is seen to be a recapitulation of the past.

确保及时准确地提供前厅和餐厅业务的报表。Prepare the recapitulation of all Front Office and Outlet Transactions accurately and timely.

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第一章是住房抵押贷款证券化概述。The first chapter focuses on the general recapitulation of house mortgage loan securitization.

如此来看,第七卷谈到的洞穴特性其实就是第六卷关于知识分类问题的扼要复述。Thus the figure of the cave in Book VII is a recapitulation of the divisions of knowledge in Book VI.

就该系统对政务OA的概括性进行说明性证明,对未来相关工作提出设想。Recapitulation of government OA in the system is illustratively verified and the future job is assumed.

胚胎发育的这一特点是恩斯特海克尔的重演论的重要支柱之一。This feature of embryological development was one of the mainstays of Ernst Haeckel's theory of recapitulation.

在教学中,讲师总结过去的知识大大有利于发展记忆能力。In teaching, recapitulation of the past knowledge by the lecturer is greatly conductive to develop memory power.

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海克尔在他的重演论中大量使用胚胎学知识,使一个渐进的、几乎线性的进化模型得以具体化。Haeckel used embryology extensively in his recapitulation theory, which embodied a progressive, almost linear model of evolution.

本文对密近双星演化研究的历史和现状作了简要的回顾和概括。In this thesis, We have made a recapitulation about the studies in the history and the current state of the close binary evolution.

青少年违法犯罪的原因非常复杂,概括起来,主要有主体因素和主体外因素。The reason of adolescent illegal crime is extremely complex. Recapitulation mainly has the subject factor and the outside subject factor.

夜审员负责准确及时地提交每日客房,餐饮及其它所有收入的报告。The Night Auditor is responsible for the accurate and timely preparation of the daily recapitulation of Rooms, F&B, and all other revenues.

核对夜审报告,餐厅收款员日报表和总出纳报表。Complete for posting to General Ledger the Night Auditor Report, the Daily Restaurant Cashier Recapitulation and the General Cashier Report.

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再现段将喜庆的节日气氛推向高潮,在欢腾激昂的情绪中结束全曲。The recapitulation returns to the festive feeling, pushing the holiday atmosphere to its climax. The piece ends in a jubilant and boiling mood.

那位教授总是重述他上课内容的要旨来作为课堂的结尾,很多他的学生都认为这是非常有帮助的。The professor always ends his classes with the recapitulation of the main points in his lecture, which many of his students think to be very helpful.

此外,还分析了重演只能是“简单而迅速”的原因,并定义了一个表征个体发育时间与系统发育时间换算关系的时间当量。Besides, we analyse the reason that the recapitulation can only be simple and rapid, and a time equivalent of conversion relation between the time of ontogeny and phylogeny is also defined.

对近五年病原体感染与自然流产关系研究作一简要回顾,并探讨控制感染的关键因素。The text is a summary recapitulation about the recent five year advances on study of relationship between infection and spontaneous abortion and it discusses the key factor to control fection.