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你愿意和我一起喝两杯吗?Do you like to hobnob with me?

我过去常与富有而又著名的人交往。I used to hobnob with the rich and famous.

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我过去常与富有而又著名的人交往。He used to hobnob with the rich and famous.

汤姆常和朋友在酒吧里欢饮。Tom and his friends used to hobnob in the bar.

这次没有一家报纸就“巧克力”这个词语感到恼火。No newspaper was outraged by the chocolate Hobnob.

期间也使不少的国家走的更亲更近。In this period, also let many countries hobnob with others.

我知道,当无法再依靠法律时,我必须去打通关系。I know when I can't rely on the law any more and beyond that I need to hobnob.

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他的配偶必须有能力举办皇室宴会,有能力与政界要人洽谈共饮。His consort needs to be able to host royal dinners and hobnob with oligarchs and dictators.

我不太怕做自己非常不熟悉的分子生物学实验,我怕的是没有机会去认识植物和亲近他们。Do the unfamiliar molecular experiment is not my greatest fear, few chance to hobnob with the nature is.

达尔文说,她的加利福尼亚酿酒师经常飞到香港为客户举行品酒会和交际酒会。Darwin said her California winemakers have been flying over to Hong Kong to host tastings and hobnob with customers.

至于大多数讲新加坡式英语者,我奉劝诸位多同讲标准英语的人士交往,不论其为本地人或外国人。But to the majority of Singlish speakers, I urge you to hobnob with those who speak good English, whether they locals or foreigners.

无论你在哪儿,只要你能够上网,你就可以遇见、并且和这些来自世界各各角落有创造力的人交谈。No matter where you are, if you can connect to the internet, you can meet and hobnob with creative people from every corner of the globe.

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这种神圣的使命感下个星期将在阿尔卑斯山脉引发强烈反响,各大公司的首席执行官将聚在瑞士举行经济论坛。The noble sentiment will no doubt echo around the Swiss Alps next week as chief executives hobnob with political leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos.