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你为什么控告那人?。Why did you accuse that man?

当然,没有人会为此指责你虚伪。No one will accuse you of hypocrisy.

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任何人都不能被逼认罪。You cannot be forced to accuse yourself.

为什么他们这么粗暴地指责我们?Why do they always accuse us so brutally?

我鼓起足够的勇气控告他。I mustered up enough courage to accuse him.

一些人指责法院存在反非洲的偏见。Some accuse court of an anti- African bias.

她父母还被诬赖是贪污犯。Her parents were falsely accuse is criminal.

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但我为什麽责备你两番背盟。But why of two oaths breach do I accuse thee.

但我为什么责备你两番背盟。But why of two oaths' breach do I accuse thee.

当我指责他说谎时,他大笑起来。He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing.

任何人无指控自己的义务,但面对上帝时不在此限。No one is bound to accuse himself except to God.

除非你能提出证据,否则不要随便指控席拉是小偷。Don't accuse Sheila of theft until you have proof.

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父啊,我控告自己吝啬。Father, I accuse myself of having been avaricious.

我拒绝控告导火索散播混乱。I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.

如果你敢碰我,我就把你告上法庭。If you dare to play a finger on me, I'll accuse you.

没人能指责他目光短浅。Nobody could accuse Mr Khoja of being narrow-minded.

没有人会指责拉尔是个快活的乐观主义者。No one can accuse Ted Rall of being a sunny optimist.

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我保证有人会因此而埋怨我。Or,at least,somebody will accuse me of that I guarantee.

选举工作几乎没有暗箱操作的可能。You could hardly accuse the vote of being stage-managed.

曾经一度仰慕他的人如今指责他是叛徒。His one-time admirers now accuse him of being a turncoat.