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一些无党派的智库组织和非盈利公益组织也做了很多深度调查。Nonpartisan think tanks and not-for-profit organizations do a lot of it.

还剩下什么?来自跨党派的税务政策研究中心的霍华德·格赖克曼做了计算。So what's left?Howard Gleckman of the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center has done the math.

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一线希望在于,联邦调查局至少在拒绝同国会合作这个问题上,表现出了他们无党派的一面”。The silver lining with the FBI is that at least they’re nonpartisan in their non-cooperation with Congress.

无党派选民可通过其它措施向在同一日期发生的无党派竞选投票。Unaffiliated voters receive ballots for other measures and nonpartisan contests that occur on the same date.

从法律上讲,慈善基金会应组织、发起以公众福祉为基准的无党派活动。By law, charitable foundations must conduct exclusively nonpartisan activities that promote the public welfare.

在随后的几十年内,他们为消除饥馑和贫困建立了非党派的广泛共识。During the following decades, they built a broad, nonpartisan consensus for anti-hunger and anti-poverty programs.

要指派无党派委员会来划分议会选区,以保证公平和最大程度的竞争。Nonpartisan commissions should be established to draw legislative district lines to maximize competition and fairness.

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可那又能怎么样呢,博纳先生随便一句“这是他们的看法”就把无党派的预算办公室的结论给否决掉了。So what, other than dismissing the nonpartisan budget office’s verdict as “their opinion” — as Mr. Boehner has — can the G.O.P. do?

因此,除了像博纳先生那么指责这个跨党派的预算办公室的结论是“他们自己的意见”以外,共和党还能做点什么?So what, other than dismissing the nonpartisan budget office's verdict as “their opinion” — as Mr. Boehner has — can the G. O. P. do?

迈克尔.利瓦伊是另一个无党派私营智囊机构“外交关系协会”的能源和环境问题高级研究员。Michael Levi is the Senior Fellow for energy and environment at the nonpartisan private research group the Council on Foreign Relations.

他是现任ASPEN学院的CEO和主席,一名华盛顿特区的无党派研究院和政策研究学会。He is currently the president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a "nonpartisan educational and policy studies institute" in Washington, D.C.

据无党派研究机构财政政策研究所称,这两个地区自2007年第三季度以来的失业率已经翻了一番。Both areas have seen unemployment double since the third quarter of 2007, according to the Fiscal Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank.

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非党派组织美国国会研究服务部的南亚及中东问题研究员卡茨曼说,美国的压力迫使巴基斯坦采取行动。Ken Katzman, a South Asia and Middle East analyst at the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, says U.S. pressure forced Pakistan to act.

根据一个无党派研究团体独立研究机构的最新研究报告显示,美国经济的竞争优势在过去的十年中已经大幅度下滑。The competitive edge of the United States economy has eroded sharply over the last decade, according to a new study by a nonpartisan research group.

即便在地方一级,尽管有些市、郡举行不分党派的选举,其政治机器也由民主、共和两党的力量主导。Even at the local level, while some cities and counties hold nonpartisan elections, Democratic and Republican forces control the political machinery.

无党派网站Factcheck.org检查了文档原件,上面的确有印章,一般来说可以证明文件是真的。The nonpartisan website examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document.

"它是一场土著们的革命",位于拉巴斯的无党派地权组织TIERRA基金会前主管,学者米古尔.尤里奥斯托表示。""It's an indigenous revolution," says Miguel Urioste, researcher and former director with the La Paz-based nonpartisan land rights group Fundacion TIERRA.

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"它是一场土著们的革命",位于拉巴斯的无党派地权组织TIERRA基金会前主管,学者米古尔.尤里奥斯托表示。""It's an indigenous revolution, " says Miguel Urioste, researcher and former director with the La Paz-based nonpartisan land rights group Fundacion TIERRA.

但无党派观察人士普遍认为,用于教育的几乎全部拨款都能在立法程序达成的最终文本中得以保留。Nonpartisan observers generally expect almost all the money directed at education to survive in whatever final package emerges from the legislative process.

这项任命将使超党派人士琼斯成为国务院、五角大楼和其他国家安全相关部门之间的政策协调人。The job would make Gen. Jones, a nonpartisan figure, the chief policy coordinator between the State Department, the Pentagon and other national security agencies.