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已经启用电子邮件通知。E-mail notification is enabled.

未来版本的更新提醒。Update Notification of future releases.

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出货通知是由电子邮件发送的。Notification of shipment is sent by e-mail.

包含一条或多条通知消息的数组。An array of one or more notification messages.

添加两个通知范围的补偿Add compensates for the two notification scopes

向顾客的销售代表发送一个通知。Send a notification to the customer's sales rep.

但张显暂时未收到通知。But a significant have not received notification.

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警报和通报系统会鸣响。The alert and notification system will be sounded.

还可以用属性实现事件通知。You can also use properties for event notification.

增加使用启动筏的教程通知。Added tutorial notification for using starting raft.

通知区还允许我们做什么?What else does the notification area allow us to do?

接着,它转换数据并记录通知。Next, it converts the data and logs the notification.

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支付款应该随书面通知寄出。Payments should be sent with the written notification.

XPCOM发送一个它正在被启动的通知。XPCOM sends a notification that it's beginning startup.

只供付款通知,不接听来电。Only for payment notification. Not Answer Incoming Calls.

这个消息不包含用户信息字典。This notification does not contain a userInfo dictionary.

关掉电子邮件程序的自动通知功能。Turn off the notification function on your email program.

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下面的窗口用于设置电子邮件通知地址。The next window sets up the notification e-mail addresses.

它包含一个主题,表明它是一个电子邮件通知。It will have a topic indicating it's an email notification.

我刚收到银行关于那张发货单的通知书。B. I just got notification from the bank about that invoice.